[hr][hr][h1][b][i][center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/170828/de4fb32b6dba717be14cb6eeb8aeaf1c.png[/img][/center][/i][/b][/h1][hr][center][h3] [b][i]Date:[/i][/b] Monday May 23rd, 2017 - (Remember Time Zones)[/h3][/center][hr][hr] [b][color=ed1c24]Funeral Home:[/color][/b] David looked over towards Riley and his lips thinned. After a moment of looking down at the paper he had he shook his head. "No, I can if you feel that would be easier. There is no reason you should have to, we can take care of contacting anyone you would like," he said in a kind voice as he looked back up to her and then glanced over towards Priya. "Let me fetch you both a glass of water and you can discuss which you would prefer without prying ears," he said gently as he rose. He was rather understanding about the entire situation but to be fair this was his job and he had done this for years. Turning he stepped out of the room and drew the doors shut partially before heading up the steps and leaving the two women alone for a moment. A little bit passed and the front door of the funeral home opened. "Hey, anyone here?" a male voice called out with a thick New York accent. "How can I help you?" David asked as he half jogged down the stairs carrying two glasses of water. One could see the two men standing in the atrium speaking. The [url=https://www.aceshowbiz.com/images/wennpic/dean-winters-on-set-of-teenage-mutant-ninja-turtles-2-02.jpg]man[/url] looked to be in his early to mid thirty's. "Yeah, I got a call, I'm here to make funeral arrangements for my wife," he said as he chewed on a toothpick. "Oh yes, do you have a death certificate so that we may retrieve the body for you from the morgue?" David asked. He glanced towards the room with Riley and Priya, holding up a finger to motion he would just be a minute. "Fuck no I don't have any death certificate. You got her body, least that is what the fucker on the phone said." David looked really confused and stumbled over his words. "I'm sorry sir, you might be mistaken..." he started but the man stepped forward in a rather threatening manner, jabbing his finger into the Davis chest. "Listen here you pasty fuck. You better not have lost my fucking wife or I will make sure that the next coffin that comes out of here has your body in it. Now where the fuck is my wife? Chloe Ridgeway O'FuckingReily!" the man yelled and David nearly dropped the glasses of water. "Miss Ridgeway?" "So you do know what the hell I'm talking about, good," he said as he stepped back and smiled. "So, like I said, I need to plan out her funeral. Oh shit, fuck. I'm Ryan." [b][color=ed1c24]The Farm:[/color][/b] Zoie looked over to Mali and nodded slightly. "He said he would be here, I mean the limo is," she said. Then she yelped out as the barn caved in on itself. If Marc had been in there, he was gone now. Relic slowly sat down on the edge of the porch and just watched the flame crawl up towards the sky. "Oh god..." she said as she watched. She looked over to Mali as a few tears rolled down her cheek. The fire truck crested the hill and came barrelling down the road. Within minutes they were on the scene and working to put out the blaze. The only thing Zoie could find the strength to do was sit down next to her brother and watch. At that moment it felt like it was pointless to put it out other than to make sure the fire didn't spread to the grass and go further. Wild fires in California were a bitch but the building was gone, anything in it would be gone as well. "I'll go try to call him," Relic said as he finally got up and walked inside. Zoie couldn't manage to nod. She just sat there in the dress she had worn the night before and watched the fire fighters work. Had she just lost an old friend? [b][color=ed1c24]Queensguard:[/color][/b] Maria snorted slightly in jest. "Oh that is nothing to what he can do. I guess he gets it from your side of the family, Alicia never smelt like that as a baby," she said before unbuttoning her coat and sliding it off finally. Laying it over the back of a chair she watched. "You have to get in there like you mean it, other wise he will develop a horrid rash," she said as she pulled out several more baby wipes and held them out to Keystone. She wasn't surprised, changing a diaper was something people had to get accustomed to. Down at the front gate a man rolled up in an old gremlin and got stopped at the gate. "Listen man, I'm here to make a delivery. Food. To A... Angel Carmichael." Leaning back he waited as he had to hand over his ID and for his car to be searched. "Seriously? The worst thing in my car is the fucking msg on this food." [b][color=ed1c24]Texas/Mexico Border:[/color][/b] As much as Cecily was trying to help, there was nothing that could be done. Natasha gasped a few more times and then nothing more came from her. She had held on as long as she could. "Nat? Nat baby you there?" a male voice came in over the speaker but there was nothing left in the doctor. The sirens grew louder as the ambulance finally pulled up and stopped about twenty feet from them. "Nat, baby? Come on now, this isn't funny answer me. Why do I hear sirens?" the voice asked, sounding slightly frantic. The paramedics climbed out of the ambulance and rushed over. "Get back ma'am," one of them said as they came over and started working on Natasha. "No pulse" he said before he started to perform CPR as the other got the defibrillator ready. "Nat, answer me damn it!" the man yelled through the phone.