While I'm thinking about it, have we ever done just a straight-up "what's your favorite design" talk yet? Not necessarily your favorite era of a character, just your favorite [i]look[/i] that they've had. Outfit and/or artist. For example, Batman's had a godjillion different takes on the Bat-suit, but to me it's always gonna be the Bronze Age Neal Adams look. The blue-and-gray, the yellow circle, the utility belt with capsule-things instead of pockets, ears at [i]just[/i] the right length so they're not little stubby bumps or giant devil-horns, and a build that's designed more for swashbuckling than for brutality. In much the same way that most people can't say 'Superman' without immediately conjuring an image of Christopher Reeve, this is the immediate Batman that comes to my mind: [img]https://i.imgur.com/zxePPJO.jpg[/img]