[b]"Make them stop fightin'"[/b] That was all the confirmation she needed. Looking back out towards the group she approached the two fighting the orc, looming over them with naught but the two faint beams of pale yellow light softly glowing in the darkness of her helm. Her shadow was cast upon them as she spoke. "Stop fighting." She ordered, her voice not exactly the most threatening despite it's bizarre hollow drone. Of course the woman paused not to heed her words and continued her attempt on the orc's life. Urdal had instructed her to make them stop fighting and, by her logic, the best way to keep something from fighting was to kill it. The dead didn't fight back much, especially after the second time. Not at all bothered with any sort of ethical contradictions attacking someone to keep them from from fighting would bring she stepped forward, her armored boot hitting the ground with the resounding clang of metal plates upon each other mixing with the thud of her weight upon the stony floor. Gripping the shank of the anchor which served as her handle with both hands she raised the rust and blood crusted iron mass above her head and swung it down at the woman with tremendous force. Her aim was to strike the lady with either the bill or the arm of the anchor, swinging for her center of mass. Shields rarely helped her foes in the past since between the weight of the anchor standing at around a hundred pounds, at least thirty pounds heavier than the heaviest maul, and her unearthly strength most wooden shields would splinter apart in a single blow. Even metal shields found themselves pierced and dented into uselessness within a couple shots from her unconventional weapon. She didn't expect much different from this one either.