[center] [h3][color=4863c0] Alice [/color] [/h3] [Hider=Inventory] 500P 1 Potion[/hider] [Hider=Team] Cici Appearance: [Img]http://i.imgur.com/IgYwSFg.png[/img] Species: Horsea ♀ Type: Water Personality: Lax Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other: N/A Level: 5 Moves: Bubble Smokescreen Ability: [I]Sniper[/I] Boosts power of Critical Hits Held Item: N/A [/Hider] [/center] [hr] Alice cocked her head to the side at the odd display happening before her. She glanced at Skylar, before chewing on her lip, her mind running through everything they were giving away. Full attack sets, what they couldn't do... They were giving away an entire strategy. Absently she twirled a strand of hair while they got ready. [Color=4863c0]"You ready, Skylar? I've got a plan."[/color] she said softly, a wry smile lifting her lips. Just in time! [Color=4863c0]"Alright, Cici! Smokescreen! Can't Leer if you can't see! Follow up with a Bubble and then get some distance! But keep bubble going!"[/color] she called out in a firm voice. Part one: blind the enemy. Avoid and counter. Give Seabreeze an opening, with it's enhanced eyesight, and make this fast! Ideally the bubbles would help cover from the mudslap, even just a little, and moving could help. Accuracy wasn't a concern here, afterall. [Color=4863c0]"Let's do this, Skylar!"[/color]