[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180825/0775cebbbeafbddc2a21b8dc582ded8f.png[/img] [img]https://78.media.tumblr.com/92de7e5149384e9fc9f736ff86fcacf3/tumblr_mwna24xWhL1rnbafjo1_400.gif[/img] [img]https://openclipart.org/image/2400px/svg_to_png/226298/up-divider.png[/img][/center] [indent]With every minute that went by, Marisol’s growing suspicions that dropping her Rick and Morty marathon to attend this party was a bad idea strengthened. First was Jordan basically dismissing their introduction by turning his attention to somebody else. Mari absolutely [i]hated[/i] being ignored or anything similar to it. She was also not the friendliest of people, so for her to have even pushed aside her pride and arrogance to acknowledge him first was meant to be something huge. His apparent lack of interest was certainly a slap in the face of many to come. Then it was Ariel, who’s mere presence always riled up the worst parts of her. The fact that she had the audacity to speak to her after so long had Sol torn between having a good old laugh or punching her in the face. It hadn’t always been that way, though. A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, Marisol and Ariel were actually best friends. Trusting people was never the green-eyed girl’s forte; so when she opened up to a person, the deadliest sin you could ever commit was to betray the trust that was given. And that had been exactly what the raven-haired girl had done… In a way. Although she hadn’t leaked any of her secrets or anything of the sort, Ariel had done something worse by simply cutting Mari out of her life as if she’d never existed. No warnings, no explanations. Just a big, fat “fuck you, goodbye, I don’t give a shit about you”. And when the brunette had attempted to get an answer to her questions, Ariel had ignored and evaded her as best as she could. That was the day the feelings of the hurt and heartbroken Marisol went sour. Then there was Sonny, who had the [i]nerve[/i] of talking to Ariel as if everything was sunshine and rainbows. ‘[i]We[/i] have you to thank, Ariel’? Who the hell was ‘we’? Because Mari sure as hell wasn’t thanking Little Miss Emo for anything. Like, did Sonny not remember what this person had done to her? Was he really that oblivious to things? Or was he just trying to rile her up even further? For a second there Sol thought her raised eyebrows would disappear to the top of her head with the disbelieving look she gave him. Then there was that [i]whore[/i] -Penny something or the other, Mari didn’t give a shit about her name-, who’d decided that touching Sonny as she walked past them was a clever idea. Frankly, it took all of Sol’s self-control to not jump her right then and there. She was well-aware of the girl’s reputation, and the last thing she wanted was for that vixen to sink her teeth into [i]her[/i] Sonny. And finally, there was Archer, whom Sol was grateful for at least [i]trying[/i] to diffuse the situation. When he reminded her to breathe, she did just that: inhaling peace and exhaling love and all that shit. But then he said the world didn’t revolve around her, and that earned him a bewildered look. Since when did he think Mari thought she was the center of the world? I mean, looking back on it, she [i]was[/i] the center of her father’s world, but that was as far as it went. She wasn’t that egotistical… Right? Let’s add that to the list of growing insecurities of the night. To those who knew her, it was clear that the girl was at the verge of one of her meltdowns. Marisol had this tick that, whenever she felt angry or any type of similar sentiment, she would repeatedly pick and pinch at the hem or fabric of whatever article of clothing in her bottom side.... Which was exactly what she was doing at the moment. [color=brown]“You know what? Excuse me. I’m going to go drown myself in the Atlantic Ocean before I commit bloody fucking murder up in this party,”[/color] Marisol stated in a cynical tone, giving the group a fake, sarcastic smile before stomping off in the opposite direction. The girl had been too busy fuming to pay attention to where she was going, and suddenly found herself being forced to a stop by crashing into some tall, buff Hispanic dude she hadn’t seen before. She had her mouth half-open to tell this guy to fucking watch where he was going when she heard him drunkenly drawl: [b]“Watch it, girlie. Did you get lost from Chuck E. Cheese or something?”[/b] That was all it took for Marisol to finally snap. A kick to the nuts and a punch to the nose was all it took to have the asshole on his knees, one hand clutching his bloody nose while the other fell protectively. Having acted out of impulse, it was only after a couple of seconds that Mari realized exactly what she had done. Eyes wide with shock and disbelief, the girl stood there for a couple of seconds, breathing heavy as the rage and adrenaline that had her seeing red began to subside. All eyes in proximity were on her now, expressions ranging from amusement, questioning, disbelief or just plain confusion. Sol could feel the stares burning holes in her back, suddenly making it harder to breathe once more. After what seemed like a lifetime, the paralysis that had kept Marisol glued to the ground seemed to have lifted. Without wasting any more time, the girl rushed off, not giving a damn about who was or wasn’t looking, and didn’t stop until she’d reached the pier on Diablo’s backyard. Only when she had reached the edge did she come to a halt, then pulled off her clothes until just her black bikini remained.Seemingly unbothered by her exposed body shivering with the cool breeze, Mari’s green eyes stared at the dark waves stretching in front of her for a few, long seconds before she dove head-first into the ocean.[/indent]