[hider=Glimpse][color=708090]"Surely you're lost! No-One comes here, and nobody chooses this fate! Not willingly, anyway. Let me help. I know a way out."[/color] [color=4682B4][i]No-One?[/i][/color] What was a vibrant smile wilted all too quickly. Subtle shifts occurred, here and there; spotted only by the practiced eye. Digits tightening on the hem of her skirt, a slight rapidity intruding on the rise and fall of her chest. He doubted the girl knew what she was talking about. Announcing herself in such a loud, carrying voice had been enough to make him wary; but the mention, again, of 'No-One' pushed him forward. [color=4682B4][i]For somebody without a name, this No-One seems to have everyone all shaken up. At least you're not like the puppet I met, last time.[/i][/color] he spoke more slowly than she did, cautious despite his relief, skirting around the counter she had risen from behind, [color=4682B4][i]I appreciate the offer, but I think there's something here I need. My name's-[/i][/color] [color=708090]"Terry. I-I'm sorry for interrupting, but you're in a precarious position! My name is [i]Maybe[/i] and we need to leave this room! You can tell me more about yourself, once we're safe!"[/color] While disregarding her apparent worry was Terry's first impulse, some ghostly electricity had wrapped itself around him. The same ether-dread and distant nausea that had come with 'moving' to this place. Whatever 'this place' really entailed, any more. [color=4682B4][i]Damnit. Alright, I'm lost. That doesn't mean I should go running off with- [/i][/color] The door he had come through came open with a slight creak, crimson light pouring into what now appeared to be an antiquated parlor. Maybe's hand extended toward him, slowly, an anxious smile given along with it. [color=4682B4][i]What is...?[/i][/color] His knees felt weak. Trembling and useless as the sanguine light spread carrion wings through that yawning portal. Something terrible peered through. A shadow Terry could swear was wearing a familiar face. Before he could place it, or even solidify in his mind what was being presented; he felt contact.[/hider] Hey, there. I am Fi. Lately, I've been trying to put an idea or two together. [i]Mirrorside[/i] is what I've settled on; a game of character-exploration and development focused on the idea of entrapment ([i]entombment[/i]) in a world populated by the strange and surreal. While the intro doesn't explain a great deal, I have a few things that I'm looking for in this 'experience'. As well as a few pre-determined concepts. So, in no particular order and without outright categorization, here they are. • Mirrorside (as it is currently called, though this will likely have a different In-Character moniker) is accessed by the preparation and execution of a 'ritual' in front of a mirror. The ritual, as it stands, will involve the burning of a piece of paper that has the Querent's wishes/desires written on it. While most who perform the ritual come away unscathed, there are some who find themselves...well, you get the idea. • Horror is certainly something I haven't written a lot of. I hope to get a bit better at it, through this particular story. Mind you, however, that isn't the sole focus. • Puppets (Guides) appear to those who arrive in Mirrorside, often with instructions for the Querent. Why they appear is usually varied, though they often take a form that the Querent will understand and readily identify. Their intentions and personalities vary greatly, as well. • The 'worlds' or 'rooms' of Mirrorside often find their roots in reality, in one way or another; despite their warped proportions and contents. This is also true of the rumored 'No-One'. 'No-One' is, as whispers go, the reflection of a Querent...though nebulous uncertainty surrounds even the more 'solid' bits of information one can find. • I expect people to write around three paragraphs a post. More is always welcome, but I understand that some people are busy or may encounter a difficult spot to make an 'adequate' response. • We'll be staging our beginning in Rook City. An urban sprawl that houses somewhere somewhere around one-million people. Since the ritual is something of a pre-requisite, I figure we can work on setting up a group endeavor having to do with a school-year initiation practice having to do with a Rook City landmark. (Mirror of Egress is the current name I've got for it. A sort of 'abstract art piece' that has been around long enough to attract its own sort of urban legends.) That's all I want to put out there, at the moment. Thank you for taking the time to read over my idea. I hope that I can look forward to communicating and writing alongside you. As the usual practice goes, I will be taking questions as they come. Feel free to present whatever it is you'd like to say through here, or PM. [i]From here on are minor additions from the original post[/i] We have a [url=https://discord.gg/555CwK6]Discord[/url]. I intend to make this RP work; though I really need 3-4 people. Aside from those already involved. If you would like to speak with me, or have questions...use this thread, the [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/4744170]other thread[/url], or the Discord. PM is a viable method, as well. Thank you for your time.