[@Crimmy][@Slime][@Silvan Haven] [center][h1]Civil War[/h1][/center] Once everyone was on board and safely seated, the airship took off, heading towards Gallia, Mistral. Andrew didn't say anything for a while as he focused on taking off and making sure all systems were functioning correctly. It wouldn't do much good if they crashed halfway there. Once they were flying towards their destination Andrew spoke up. [color=9e0b0f]"I'm not gonna sugar coat it...this mission isn't going to be pretty. Though I suppose you oughta get used to that sooner than later. A huntsman's job rarely is."[/color] The airship made a sudden turn to the left as Andrew course corrected. [color=9e0b0f]"As you probably know, Gallia is a seaport off the coast of Mistral, the coast is on the east side while it's northern and western borders end at with the Gnarled Forest, to the south are the mountains. Basically what I'm getting at is they are isolated, the only real way to get there is by air or sea. Traveling through the mountains is just about impossible, and the Gnarled Forest is not somewhere you ever want to find yourself unless you're with someone who is all too familiar with it, like myself. My village is in fact within the Gnarled Forest, just north of Gallia. It's where I raised my daughter, Emerald."[/color] He paused, seemingly in thought. [color=9e0b0f]"Oh right! I almost forgot to mention, the basket back there has some donuts and cookies my wife baked, feel free to eat what you want."[/color] He cleared his throat. [color=9e0b0f]"Back on topic though, Gallia is normally a rather quiet town. It seems that civil unrest has been growing more and more for the past few months. It wasn't until recently that Mayor Gideon Blue contacted me, requesting aid in dealing with the situation. Now I can't say I know the man well, I've only dealt with him directly a couple times myself, but that man is very self-reliant and ruthless, the fact that he actually asked for help at all concerns me quite a bit."[/color] Andrew looked back from the cockpit to the hunters and huntresses in training. [color=9e0b0f]"So you guys with me so far? Any questions? Need some milk with those cookies?"[/color]