Midnight took his orders with a nod and prepared for the coming scuffle at the city district of the youngling hero academy. His exoskeleton had been left idly nearby awaiting its owner to inhabit its secure metal interior, the top mask left open for easy entry. Gliding over, the flowing and shimmering starlit sky that was the villain Midnighy slipped in and spread out with practiced efficiency, the limbs slowly moving as he made sure they had not locked up. When Diselpunk strolled over, he almost felt like smiling. The words were a little heavier than he had expected, robbing the wind from his metaphorical sails as he recalled his youth. "I was expelled before the first week had finished," A simple gesture at his owm face mimicked her own, "due to an incident involving my unstable form." The incident had been the near fatality of a dozen classmates after an uncontrolled explosion had torn the academy to rubble. Of the dozen that were injured, only two of his former classmates had recovered enough to resume training. The others had survived but had lost limbs to collateral damagw or the initial blast outright. His expulsion had been a serious issue, his later involvement with crime had been a beacon for those same classmates to avenge the others many years later. Dieselpunks whispered words brought a rare pang of grief. There was a difference in destruction caused intentionally and one that hurt people you wanted to care for.. The metallic hand of hos exoskeleton rested on the womans shoulders as he stared at her intently, the shifting black shimmered with reds and yellows that gave off the impression of a profound sadness. "I can only promise to try." The volatile nature of his ability and the hazardous terrain they were to occupy would make such a situation difficult to avoid. A building that lost its foundations would crumble and if the children did not flee quickly.. accidents happened. "You have my word, I will avoid such an outcome from happening again."