So! From the top... There was a job, apparently, that this creature - This [i]elf?[/i] No, that can't be... - wanted done that was apparently up north. He didn't lay on the specifics of whatever it was. He just seemed rather desperate and scared. Something told the dragon that this man was not really in control of events here, that he may not even be in control of nearly as much funds as he claimed that they were going to reap as a result. It seemed more like he was so in need of assistance or to keep things in line that he would promise anything. Transparent and weak... But even still, one wondered just what it was that he needed performed so badly. Unfortunately, before any further information could be gleaned, there was a problem. Or rather, the [i]continuation[/i] of a problem. As far as the dragon was concerned, that ork was handling things, which allowed him to re-focus onto different matters, such as the job and perhaps more conversation with the demon. However, in the midst of the issues that the Ork was trying to halt, the Paladin - Who do you shout 'Dammit!' to when there are no more gods? - had gone completely out of her mind, with a shout that was WAY TOO LOUD to be considered normal! The scaley warrior again wanted to shout at the Paladin from his memory, but he stopped himself and shook his head, remembering that that time was gone. He was not where he use to be. This was not a Paladin of the Sacred Flame. It didn't help that the man he'd put in his place before was now making said woman think the dead gods were on her side as she attempted to strike down the peacekeeping ork. The shouting was starting to get on his nerves. Honestly, you give off ONE triumphant roar, and everyone believes they need to be the object of attention now. Well, that was [i]quite[/i] enough of that. As the elf was now appealing to someone who...who smelled [i]dead[/i], the dragon decided to quietly draw out the pole-arm that was on his back... And once a few particular actions played out, he simply slipped in to get somewhere out of the Paladin's line of sight to bonk her on the head with the flat of his weapon, trying to knock her out. "Forget the gods. Heed the words of [i]Endrokin[/i], and shut your wailing mouth."