[@Kuchenlein] WAR WAR WAR =========================================== WAR WAR WAR =========================================== [i]"Auf der Heide blüht ein kleines Blümelein und das heißt: Erika. Heiß von hunderttausend kleinen Bienelein wird umschwärmt Erika denn ihr Herz ist voller Süßigkeit, zarter Duft entströmt dem Blütenkleid. Auf der Heide blüht ein kleines Blümelein und das heißt: Erika."[/i] Germania's troops sang while walking the burning lands they had just bombarded. They were pretty happy. The attack on Italian lands was going successful. The new West had finally shown it's weakness, it was time for... Suddenly, a line behind collapsed. Then a line on the east side. Then the front. Tanks. Tanks were arriving, bombarding them with magical projectiles and normal shells. The battalion was quickly overrun. There were no survivors. The Swiss general cursed [i]"Blast those Italians!"[/i] he said hitting his desk [i]"everytime they appear weak, it turns out they aren't"[/i] [b]"Relax"[/b] a german mayor said smoking a cigar [i]"They won't dare to cross the border. They'll just send some diplomants demanding answers and the government will make some fake process to make them happy, killing some dissidents. Meanwhile we will get medals for.."[/i] he didn't finish as an artillery shell landed right on him, making all the tent explode [i]"W-HAAT DAA..."[/i] The swiss general managed to say before dying to internal bleeding Tanks were rushing the smalm germanian encamptment, way beyond the border and on their way to Lugano, a small swiss city in the mountains.