[center][IMG]http://i63.tinypic.com/v6iw5f.png[/IMG] [h1][color=green]The Adventure Begins . . .[/color][/h1][/center] The settlement of Portsmouth is located where a river meets the sea, on the New World continent. It is the largest colony on this side of the world so far, and by far the best funded. Anywhere Albic looks he can see people of all professions go about their daily business. Many adventurers like him also walk the newly paved streets, and the air is filled with the scents of foods, goods, lumber and the sea. Despite being quite well-developed, the town is obviously in its' infant stages. Many houses are nothing more than shacks, construction is underway everywhere and everything is new. Nobody knows the way. A town crier is nailing signs to a signpost as if on queue with Albic's thoughts. But despite the intensity and enormity of the new world, Albic is not alone. No, he has something important with him. On his back he carries his satchel with supplies. Some provisions, a torch or two, rope, sleeping-bag, flint and tinder... The basics. On his back he also carries his spear, and three knives of different sizes adorn his belt. But this important item is something else. It carries sentimental value above the others . . . What is this item? [color=gray][i](Choose one)[/i][/color] [img]https://www.hiveworkshop.com/data/ratory-images/98/98633-df5041b067a1d8779aa660469de4fce0.jpg[/img] [color=lightgreen][b]Devilwolf's Hide[/b][/color] [i]A hooded cloak made from the hide of a frenzied wolf that once terrorized the countryside. Albic alone managed to slay the wolf and claim his hide as his own. From it he made a cloak that has exceptional defensive and stealthy capabilities when worn.[/i] [img]https://www.hiveworkshop.com/data/ratory-images/144/144123-686c241c65f6c09df4d8b6d3f5508d1b_tn2.jpg[/img] [color=lightgreen][b]Orcblood[/b][/color] [i]A broadsword made of well-crafted steel. Albic is unsure where it came from, but he is quite sure it was a leftover from his father. He had found it castaway half-burried in dirt one day in his youth and had cared for it ever since.[/i] [img]https://www.hiveworkshop.com/data/ratory-images/142/142921-a2bab9b4e71518a3a47d9eec28213540_tn2.jpg[/img] [color=lightgreen][b]Wildred Necklace[/b][/color] [i]A necklace made of fangs, claws and talons. Albic's deep connection with the wilds goes beyond mere survival and pathfinding. It is spiritual. This necklace is blessed by the spirits of the wilds, giving him deeper understanding of the beasts of the world.[/i] [img]https://www.hiveworkshop.com/data/ratory-images/139/139209-2730154d91b0f4c82534fe2325fa08f0_tn2.jpg[/img] [color=lightgreen][b]Woodcarved Mask[/b][/color] [i]A mask made of oak, carved to fit Albic's face perfectly. When worn, he can see things that people can not. It is blessed by the spirits of hawks, after all.[/i] Affirming to himself that his prized possession is still there, Albic takes a deep breath. Determined, he looks around town. He has been given his assignment: travel deeper into the wilds to the west and establish contact with the reclusive elven neighbours of which the colony authorities know nothing about and see if they are friendly or not. Yet... Perhaps there is something he should do before he leaves. Will he look around town before leaving or will he begin his adventure now?