[@Aamaya] It's not perfect but let me know what you think. I'm also willing to change around his background or whatever if someone wants to claim Mother for their character. [hider=Mel] Name: Mel Age: 22 Gender: Male Sexuality: Straight Race: Thanatos Kingdom: Luthra [hider=Appearance] [img]https://img00.deviantart.net/5d45/i/2010/241/4/a/euron_crow__s_eye_by_allendouglasstudio-d2xjwws.jpg[/img] [/hider] Personality: Mel is very much a product of his environment. He is loud and rowdy, and loves nothing more than to carouse and gamble long into the night. He loves to have a good time, and has been known to shirk responsibility in favour of getting drunk and having fun. He also has a bit of a reputation as a womanizer, although Mel himself claims it isn’t well-deserved: “It’s hard not to be seen that way when pretty girls keep throwing themselves at my feet,” he’ll say with a wink. More recently, Mother has pushed him to be more “stately”; at her direction, he has learned how to mimic some of the traits of nobility, at least enough for folks to take pause; however, Mel hates to act this way, and will quickly revert back to his true personality as soon as he feels it is safe to do so. History: Mel is the eldest child and only son of Luthra’s Mother, not that that meant much while he was growing up. Sure, he was afforded more luxuries than his less-well-connected friends - food at every meal, swordsmanship training and weapons tailored to his left-handedness - but the kingdom’s lack of wealth and political influence, along with Mother’s “hands-off” parenting style, didn’t allow for the kind of royal treatment a “prince” might expect. Not that Mel cared much. He got what he needed from Mother, and he got what he wanted from the streets, using what influence he did have to his advantage. Much of his free time was spent fighting and gambling with little supervision; by the time he was a teenager, he was a regular sight in the kingdom’s taverns, playing songs and dancing, brawling and dueling with anyone willing to take him on. He lost his left eye in one such duel at 17. Partially because of this, partially because he was getting to marriageable age, much of his freedom was taken away; instead, he was trained in how to be a “respectable gentleman”, in the hopes that he could be married into another kingdom’s nobility. Mel didn’t take kindly to this change, and continued to sneak out at night to continue his rough and rowdy ways. With the news of Exodus’s eligible princess and the festival being thrown for her, Mother tasked Mel to attend in order to strengthen ties with the other kingdoms. A marriage of convenience, she said, is the best outcome; but should this prove to be impossible, Mel was to do anything necessary to improve Luthra’s position and reputation. Should he fail… well, Mel knows better than to go home to Mother empty-handed. Weapons: Mel’s preferred weapons are [b]Fame[/b], a rapier with an elegant silver hilt, designed to be wielded in his left hand; and [b]Fortune[/b], a trident dagger, designed for his right hand. He also carries a set of nondescript [b]throwing daggers[/b], but only uses them in emergencies… or when he really, really wants to get a cheap shot. Skills: [i]Combat:[/i] Mel is a skilled fighter. He most often dual-wields Fame and Fortune in a left-handed stance, which gives him advantage against those unused to fighting left-handed opponents; he can also hold is own in a bare-knuckle brawl. [i]Music:[/i] Although he originally picked up the lute to attract the ladies, Mel as since come to love playing the instrument, and will now do it for his own enjoyment. He also likes to sing, although his voice doesn’t sound nearly as beautiful as the lute does. Scar(s): Mel’s body is littered with little scars from the many, many duels and brawls he’s been a part of. The most obvious would be the scar across where his left eye used to be, although it is always covered by a leather eyepatch. Additional Information: [/hider]