[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180826/7b1a368fca8e3aaf9ab7b1717732c130.png[/img] [color=FF82A9][b]Time of Day:Morning[/b][/color] [color=FF82A9][b]Location:Dormitory Kitchen[/b][/color] [color=FF82A9][b]Interacting with: Willow ([@Shard]), Orky([@OrkytheOrc])[/b][/color][/center] [hr] Thalia eyed Willow curiously; he seemed nervous somehow. That was odd to her, considering they were of the same race...she figured a familiar sight would be somewhat of a relief to him. Still, he at least seemed appreciative. That was good, right? [color=FF82A9][b]"Yes, I'm...a little lost,"[/b][/color] Thalia admitted, chuckling. [color=FF82A9][b]"The buildings in my village were much smaller."[/b][/color] The thought of her village brought a faint smile to the Enuri's face. Upon hearing his name, Thalia shook her head, realizing how silly it was for her to not have opened up with an introduction from the beginning. [color=FF82A9][b]"Right! Forgive me. My name is Thalia, and this is my companion, Lyka,"[/b][/color] she said, gesturing to herself and the wolf respectively. Thalia never referred to Lyka as a pet, of course. The she-wolf was more of a friend than anything. Still, it wasn't really something she felt like explaining, so "companion" would have to do. Just then, following a thundering BOOM, an orc came lumbering into the kitchen shouting about a "mummy." Thalia stood back as the friendly expression on Willow's face fell, which she couldn't quite blame him for. Orcs didn't exactly have the best reputation; in Thalia's book, they were barely better than humans. She could sense Lyka tensing up next to her, though the Orc didn't seem to be aware of Willow's [i]very[/i] evident distaste for him. [color=FF82A9][b]"I don't think there's a mummy..."[/b][/color] she mumbled, though she more or less wished to stay out of...whatever was happening. Thalia watched as Orky reached out and grabbed Willow's garlic, and then took off running with the bowl. [color=FF82A9][b]"Hey! You shouldn't be taking that-"[/b][/color] And yet, he was gone. [color=FF82A9][b]"I, um...I'm not quite sure what just happened,"[/b][/color] she said slowly, turning to look at Willow. [color=FF82A9][b]"I can...go get it back, if you want?"[/b][/color]