The halfbreed stood above most humans and positively towered over the gnome. Under his cloak his body mostly resembled that of a broad built human, but his lightly tanned skin had a tinge of green in it and his heritage became obvious when looking at his face, which had a frankly ugly mix of human and orcish features, with pointed ears and small tusks. He wore thick and protective clothing, a natural mix of brown and green in color. "A traveller does best not to bring attention to himself." he replied curtly to the gnome "What are you doing sitting here anyway?" he lightly kicked the gnome's oversized backpack "That a burglar's bag?" his tone was not one of judgement. Albic's ears listened keenly to his surroundings, but his eyes remained firmly on the gnome. He didn't intend to let her nimble fingers anywhere near his knives or other possessions.