The Doctor was looking at her. He seemed glad to have somebody with him again. He had been so lonely. He hated being lonely. Sometimes he thought he would go crazy if he didn't have anybody to talk to. "Its been awhile since I have had anybody travelling with me, I like having people to talk to." He knew that he was bound to get lonely again if she didn't want to stay with him. He couldn't be sure if she would want that. He hummed a bit as he walked. He was at least glad that for now he did have somebody to talk to. He didn't know how long he would get to have her company for. But he knew just to enjoy it while it lasted. "There is good chips around here somewhere." The Doctor seemed to ramble a bit . He looked around as he tried to remember where the place was. He hoped it was there. He was walking by her "No clue." He admitted. He looked sad when she asked if this was his planet. He knew that since he had came here she might assume that and he looked normal. He wondered whether to tell her about his planet. They had been through similar things. He knew that maybe he should,so she wouldn't feel like the only one who had been through such a thing. "No this isn't my home planet, I just like coming here,"The Doctor paused for a moment before he continued "I was from gallifrey... but my planet and people were destroyed during the time war against the Daleks." He didn't want to mention the part where he had ended the war and caused the end of his own kind. Even if it had been the only way. It still hurt and he still regretted it. He knew he wished he could have gone back and fixed that. He walked up to the chip shop and then looked at her "I know how you are feeling about your planet and people." He said quietly.