[hr] [hr] [center] [color=f7976a][h3]T H E F L A S H[/h3] [b]Revelations:[/b] [sup][i]NOT FAST ENOUGH[/i][/sup][/color] [/center] [hr] [hr] Iris' felt her phone vibrate in her pocket as she finished off Marko. At least for now, he seemed to be hellbent on coming back for Spider-Woman much like she had her own demon to face sooner or later back in Central City. She shook herself off, patting herself down and cleaning what little muck remained off her person. Shuddering slightly, that was utterly disgusting. [i]"Ugh...."[/i] Iris looked around the room, she could already hear sirens approaching which meant that police, and if she knew one thing for sure is that Superheroes, or heroines, didn't seem to be appreciated in this neck of the woods. At least what she could tell from the 'reports' that the clown J.Jonah Jameson screamed at anyone who would listen to him. She sighed as she looked around the room. Water lay everywhere and there were small puddles of wet sand. The majority of the glob was gone, likely into the drain system and could be anywhere by now. Even with her speed she couldn't possibly check the entire sewer system. So there wasn't any point her putting herself through that just for... this. [color=ec008c][b]"I mean, am I the only one who thinks that looked like crap?"[/b][/color] Iris turned as Spider-Woman spoke [color=ec008c][b]"And I mean that literally. One of my villains literally looked like crap going down the drain. God I have the worst villains."[/b][/color] Chuckling slightly she walked over to her. "I can see where you get that from, but I can say mine aren't much better. I guess it's all part of the job where villains aren't the best people to be around. Hell, I haven't heard a peep from my greatest foe in weeks but I've got a pretty serious threat looming over my head to look forward too." It was all well and good joking about it now, but pain lingered in her words. Her eyes hollow, not that they were easily visible beneath her mask. Iris always played the lightheart around normal people, it filled them with hope the way she interacted with them yet she couldn't help but feel the weight of it all try to rush out the moment she spoke to someone who could very well be in the same situation as her. A female superhero, they seemed to be a rare breed afterall. "I wish I had divine wisdom to impart on you, but really-" She shrugged "-I'm probably not a lot better at this than you are. Don't get me even started on Superman. He may be the man of steel, but he doesn't know how to talk to a woman." Her phone buzzed again and she sighed, pulling it out of a pocket. She didn't activate it quite yet to see the message instead she just eyed Spider-Woman for a moment. "You know, when you think about it we [i]really[/i] should think about some form of group dynamic for us heroes and heroines." Looking down at her phone she saw it was a message from Barry. Tempted to ignore it at first, her phone buzzed again. The next message put all thoughts of ignoring it out of her head. ["911. Man in Yellow. Come now, your place."] All colour in her face vanished.