[quote=@Sep] Too start my own discussion, who is your favourtie [i]underrated[/i] villain? Someone that never really grows (but has the potential to do so), or someone that just gets isnta-knocked out. Why are they you're favourite? [/quote] The correct answer is Mark Waid's creation Ikari. He appeared brilliantly enigmatic with the same skills and abilities as Daredevil with the key difference of not being blind, which was a thundering revelation. He was essentially Bullseyes pawn and I can't really criticize much of anything that Mark Waid's DD run had put out but I really wanted more Ikari. I feel like he's meant to incubate, but I think he'll be a more central villain in time. Next time MARVEL recycles the Dark Avengers concept, he'll probably ve a prime candidate as a DAREDEVIL expy.