[color=f7941d][center][h2]Arrival of Ratatoskr[/h2][/center][/color] [h2]Ratatoskr Soldiers[/h2] Seeing the situation was taken care of the lead one placed a hand on the shoulder of the one with the gloves giving a stern look that conveyed all of his intentions. It was clear now was not the time for it nor was it ever the time for violence they should protecting humanity not attacking those who don't comply like street thugs. With a pout on his face the one soldier put away the gloves but understood now was not the time not against these people who were above his abilities. One speaking up decided to state his purpose before things got out of hand further. [color=fdc68a]"Look we mean no harm I am sorry for the actions of my comrades but we seek peace our leader would like to speak with all the card holders if you would please follow us it would be appreciated. However, if you don't wish to then you can go we are not able to hold you so the choice is completely up to you."[/color] He said his voice calm a bit shaky but a firm belief in avoiding conflict and wanting a peaceful solution clear. [@Enkryption] [h2]Ratatoskr Leader?[/h2] [color=92278f]"I thank you for listening to me and once more thank you for obliging my requests all we want to do is ask questions and perhaps explain ourselves a bit more"[/color] Maria said with her best calming voice or so she hoped she wished them no harm, in fact, she didn't want to do anything to them then explain things and hopefully gain their help in their goal.[color=92278f]"If you please follow us then we got transportation waiting to take you and me to the headquarters if you will?"[/color] She asked once more it was the truth and the group spared no dime in making sure each was comfortable as a large limo was taken to carry everyone which carried all the comforts one could want from drinks and snacks and airconditioner. [@The Irish Tree][@Bushman501][@Guess Who] [h2]Confused Valkyrie[/h2] [color=7ea7d8]"The messenger squirrel?"[/color] Brynhildr said which Tsukiya mimicked having picked up on the naming of the odd group. It was either a bold claim or one done in jest was Brynhildr's opinion one which Tsukiya almost shared the same opinion with but she was more confused than anything. Trouble was also a common and more frequent worry as Brynhildr warned her of the mud like substance was buried but Brynhildr saw it as a threat still but did relinquish control in the end. [color=0072bc]"What exactly was a dead warlord doing attacking us and the school"[/color] Tsukiya muttered a bit miffed that she had yet to gain any answers on anything. She wanted answers but knew that somethings you just had to wait for that was how journalism worked at times after all.