[@Taevith] Ok, I know you’re new here, so I’ll give you a few pointers. First and foremost, you’re going to need a plot hook. Something to tell us what’s going on with the story and the setting. Not many people know that Yuigoh even has a lore and even then we still have no idea how to fit our characters into the setting. Is this the Duel Terminal World, The Spirit World, The Shadow Realm? We need at least a bit of context. Secondly, you should lower the restrictions a bit, now I’m not saying let people be Exodia or something, but at least get rid of the Level 4 rule, as it basically cuts off cards that don’t have lower level forms like X-saber Gottems. You shouldn’t be restricting character creation unless you have a good in story reason for it. Lastly, at least have a set of rules and Character sheet, it helps people know what you’re looking for and helps them decide if it’s to their tastes.