Oh I have so many yet the one that sticks out in my mind the most was a table top RPG known as Nightlight back in the late 90's. We were campaigning one night, it was late of course and there was a heavy cloud of half smoked cigarettes in the air. We had been gaming for probably 12 hours straight. The GM had us in this bad situation and our party was divided. Half of us on one side of a compound, half of us on the other. We had communicators, so we thought it was all good. Little ones in our watches. GM: What do you do? Me: Okay, listen we are pinned down under heavy fire, we need back up. GM: ~looks at the other player~ You don't hear anything. Me: ~repeats herself~ GM: Still don't hear anything. Me: ~repeats herself again~ GM: Still nothing. Me: ~goes through the same process like five more times~ GM: Again, nothing. I was confused, why wasn't my watch not working. It had a communicator in it. This shit should work! Me: ~lifts her wrist and speaks into it~ Not my character, me... GM: ~falls out of the chair laughing~ Apparently I had gotten too into character and forgotten that I didn't actually realize that I wasn't my character, that I didn't have a watch on with a communicator in it. I was totally confused why he and slowly everyone else started laughing. I was getting pissed, kept retrying to talk into my damn wrist. At that point the Gm quickly called it a night and the guys shuffled my ticked sleep deprived ass to bed. It wasn't until I woke up the next morning that I realized what I had done. (Granted to this day, I still don't know why my communicator didn't work lol)