[center][img]https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/jYqOTPr-hJLJsgjoioU8IeG-fDRIu8WlRkTNN8CvSfE/https/78.media.tumblr.com/2ab89af0fb5751c9d5ae666f24ca95b4/tumblr_pbwt0dYgzh1w6599so1_1280.png[/img][/center] [hr] The situation the trio found themselves in was supposed to have been better than their last life, but with the appearance of a rather large wolf, such wishes were lost. Alistair clicked his tongue in annoyance as the thing barreled towards the knights, and then quietly looked around the room. At this time, Flame had begun to speak. The young man seemed to be having some sort of nervous fit, or perhaps he was just a fanboy of fantasy? Alistair never bothered with Game of Thrones himself, but he knew impressionable youths often enjoyed it. Were both of these guys delusional? Hoping the assumption that they were not was the correct choice, Alistair moved towards the mirror on the dresser, looking at his reflection for a moment. [color=c1ba46]"I doubt any kind of wolf is going to impede that woman back there so we should hurry,"[/color] he stated, ignoring the gratitude Flame was showing for the moment. His focus was entirely on escaping, and these dogs were nothing more than a hinderance. Maybe these "dire wolves" as Flame had addressed them had some special properties to their attacks, but it was impossible to know without witnessing it, and the last thing Alistair wanted to do was waste time. Alistair decided to elbow the mirror on the dresser. He found a few sizable pieces and took one, offering the rest to the young man and the preacher. [color=c1ba46]"I'd rather risk it with this damned wolf in the back than face that humiliation, but right now this is the best we can do for protection,"[/color] he explained. Alistair then decided to head towards the room the wolf had come from. He'd hoped he was only hearing one of them back there, otherwise, things would become a lot more difficult. But he reasoned that it would be pointless to try to hide three men in one room like that. Or, perhaps he was just too prideful to resort to hiding? Either way, he'd made up his mind and set off with a broken piece of mirror as his weapon.