[color=yellow][b]Character Name:[/b][/color] Sylvanna Teledar [color=yellow][b]Time of Day:[/b][/color] Early morning [color=yellow][b]Location:[/b][/color] Dormitory [color=yellow][b]Interacting with:[/b][/color] [@Avant] Brandon Things only got funnier as events evolved for Sylvie. Apparently the bandage boy thought she was a mummy. Then he started talking about armies and retainers. Did he seriously think everyone here had come to serve him? This guy was a riot! Then he suddenly collapsed to his knees. He seriously thought he was under assault from a demon, only for Mama Tiana to turn out to be the instigator. Sylvie lamented the fact that bandage boy didn't have the opportunity to attack Tiana before being restrained. Not that she reveled in people getting hurt, but she expected that he would have been restrained very easily by the better mage, and THAT would have been a sight to see! The downer to all this was Tiana was going full fuddy-duddy and giving both bandage boy and the rest of them a thunderous lecture. Her laughter died down as the mirth left the situation. Only a short giggle or two left her lips as bandage boy mentioned thinking she was a mummy, and that he believed assassins were trying to ambush him. He even thought he was some kindof prophesied hero with a great destiny to meet. What a hoot! Sylvie was almost inclined to believe that he was actually a harlequin with a really convincing routine. Eventually, Mama Tiana calmed everyone down in order to get on with the day. Not even Brandon's hilarious suggestions were able to stir things up again. Sylvie was quite disappointed. She unenthusiastically announced her presence when her moment came on the roll call. Once Tiana was done, however, Sylvie seized the opportunity to try and get things going again. As usual, it was better to get someone else to entertain her than to have to make her own entertainment, and to that end she hovered over Brandon's stocky form. [color=fff200][b]"Brandon, Brandon, Brandon! Call bandage boy more silly names!" [/b][/color] She usually hated it when people yelled at her, but Brandon was always full of funny words that made her day. Even better if he said them to someone else.