[quote=@Master Bruce] Since we're in the habit of starting random conversations, I figure I'd get today's in. With the One Universe concept in mind, not necessarily even for this game, which heroes (or villains) do you think would make a good couple? I struggled for awhile to settle on someone for Batman to romance, given I've seen games where he's shacked up with Black Cat and Elektra and didn't want to repeat that, but it's surprisingly hard to think of a good pairing for him. Meanwhile, when I was playing Superman way back when, I set up a potential pairing of Clark and (at the time, Carol Danvers as) Ms. Marvel. [/quote] Dammit, MB, you know superhero shipping is like crack to me. Let's see.....Wonder Woman and Thor seems like a no-brainer, but I also don't see them going past being teammates with benefits. Spider-Man and Starfire I think would be a fun one, and given Pete's innate ability to attract women way out of his league and Kory being all 'liberated' and whatnot, there's no way these two would be in the same universe without shacking up at some point. As for Nightwing, as bad as his reputation is for jumping into the sack with every scantily-clad woman in sight, I think he always comes back to Barbara Gordon because deep down he really just wants something nice with the girl-next-door. So I'd match him up with Kitty Pryde. Bit of a weird one, but assuming their age brackets line up, you know who would probably dig Beast Boy? Jubilee. Don't ask me why, I just think it'd happen. I keep seeing fan-art shipping Harley Quinn and Deadpool, and I couldn't disagree more. Mostly because I hate Deadpool. But y'know who I think would be a better match (or at least more in keeping with characters)? The Green Goblin. Ol' Stormin' Norman could give Harley everything the Joker can, [i]and[/i] he's also super-rich, [i]and[/i] he's the type of manipulative asshole who would get his hooks into Harley. Also, Green Arrow, Black Canary, Hawkeye, and Mockingbird would be swingers and not even know it because they're totally interchangeable.