"What the hell?" Magnus yelled. While being tossed around he started thinking more frantically. So much so that the world around him seemed to slow. He was partially familiar with disapproving fathers, especially with a humanoid marmot. But a Bee man? Seriously. Something about 200 times smaller than him collectively forming a man than him wants to kill him for something he didn't even do, but did think about. Meanwhile bees aggresively stung him. Forbidden love was a bit too much in his opinion. He thought it was more of a possiblity than a full on thing. But the more he thought, the more questions arose. How could a bee hive make a planet? Was it a planet? Why do they keep wanting to bother him? Why does Fanny want him? Shouldn't she be going for something her own size? And other such inqueries flew through his mind until he banged his head on a metal stationary shelf. "OH MY GOD" yelled SANDRA as Fanny's father broke his hand through a window and was feeling around, until grabbing Magnus and pulling him outside the ship, and flipping a switch in the process. SANDRA's voice sounds more human and seems more sensible. "Damn this flimsy existence. Barry dear, can you help- Barry? BARRY? Last time I agree to marry a lunatic with a moustache. Everything looks different. I swear to St. Scholastica if he turned me down again he's as good as dead."