Once Carlotta had thrown the grenade, David had ducked behind cover. His plan had worked, and there was no reason to keep wasting ammunition. The troopers behind the crate didn't get much warning before the grenade went off. There was an explosion, and then David didn't hear anything coming from the troopers. Rising up from cover, he slowly walked over to where the troopers were. Seeing the bodies confirmed that the plan was a success. Looking away from the mangled corpses, he waited for Carlotta to secure the area. When she gave the all-clear signal, he stood up, walking over to her. [i]"We're good here, time to provide some backup."[/i] He looked over to the warehouse. "Roger that. Let's move out." As they moved to the warehouse, David took the time to reload, as he had used up the entire magazine during the fight against the troopers. It wasn't ideal- he wanted to save ammo wherever possible, but that wasn't always possible. [i]I'll have to see if we can't get any more ammo...even if I have plenty, you can never have enough.[/i] Soon enough, the two had arrived at the warehouse. Entering through the side doors and walking into the main room, it was obvious that a fight had taken place. Moving past the corpses of ADVENT troopers, they moved down to the lower levels of the facility. David could feel the heat radiating from the fires, and the whole place gave him a bad feeling. It looked noticeably alien, and he got the idea that this blacksite might be more than a simple supply depot. The things he was hearing from Sara on the radio only increased his discomfort- human-Sectoid hybrids? The idea of it horrified him, but he wasn't surprised. It was clear that the aliens had little regard for the sanctity for life- the existence of Chryssalids was proof enough of that. He could hear voices down the hall, and he moved towards them. Moving into one of the labs, he saw two human figures, and his heart raced, before he realized, to his relief, that it was Sara and Fiona, not ADVENT troopers. Putting his hood down, he approached them. "It's good to see you guys. We've dealt with the troopers at the power station, so we came to help you out. You mentioned sectoid hybrids?"