[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180828/9636c6a9463cdba380d9c28ddfd4a732.png[/img][/center] The mousy production assistant turned watching the bikes as they sped off. While the rest of the crew started to relax Dorian tensed. In the distance the horizon shimmered, and Dorian swore. The clipboard hit the ground and her hands rose; She quickly made a tearing motion. Her eyes followed the arc of Rondo’s flight and placed one end of the warp where he would hit the ground. The second ragged edged square was placed near the ambulance she was striding towards. She stopped next to where the actor rolled to. “Idiot.” She said loudly before stepping over the man and through the warp into the salt flats. Her mousy brown eyes watching the streak away from the site. “Dammit all to hell.” She muttered, turning her options over in her head.