Pendants, armor, even clothes for Mara's sake, all made out of sparkling gold. Sagax never in his life had even imagined such opulence, not even in the chambers of the Emperor himself. In truth it was almost blinding, reflected light assaulting the Imperial's eyes from every conceivable direction. He was stuck somewhere between awe and disgust at the fat bastard's collection of riches, though Sagax would be lying if he said he didn't think about having a bit of it for himself, and that's when he spied a glistening robe hanging above a small pile of jewellery. He didn't need any of it...but... To Oblivion with it, he was going to get something out of this suicide mission. Sagax swiped the robe and two rings out of the pile below it and stuffed them in his pack. It was a snug fit, but the locking strap had just enough length to be secured shut by the buckle. Well, at least it wasn't stealing. Not really, anyway. Only a little bit...technically. Besides, hadn't Sagax earned this? All he had given in his life, taking one or two pieces of gold shouldn't paint him as greedy. What had the Sload done to earn any of their riches, anyway? It wasn't theirs to begin with. Then came the rumbling. Thunder? No, Sagax knew what he was feeling. Too well, as far as he was concerned. The airship was starting to come apart, geysers of flame erupting out of the massive balloon above and all across the hull of the vessel. When he reached the end of the deck closest to the [i]Tear[/i], the snapping of wood could be heard as the airship was starting to pull itself apart. "Damn...!" Sagax muttered to himself with a weariness. The chains connecting the airship to the [i]Kyne's Tear[/i] had broken off, that left him and the other mercenaries with one choice: jumping. The only sane choice was into the sea; he'd shatter every bone in his body trying to land on the deck of the [i]Tear[/i]. But his bag would inhibit his ability to stay afloat...though what if Sagax were to send it to the [i]Tear[/i] while he himself jumped overboard into the water? It was definitely worth a shot. Gripping his bag tightly in one hand, Sagax backed up as far as he could for a running jump off of the airship. At the end of his run, he used a railing to propel him further upwards, hoping it would give him a better chance of hitting both of his marks simultaneously. After lifting off, Sagax tossed his bag as hard as he could in the direction of the ship below. After that, it was in Kynareth's hands. Thinking of a short prayer for luck, the Imperial curled into a tight ball as he descended. Back on the [i]Kyne's ear[/i], Piper had just barely held on enough to keep from being thrown overboard. A fortunate turn of events, given her armor, though not so fortunate for the others, though being brutally honest she didn't care much about those that did get thrown into the water. Besides, she wasn't exactly equipped for a search and rescue. She would need to stay on the ship. Suddenly, something caught her attention. Flying through the sky towards the ship was a bundle of what looked like leather. When it landed just a few feet from her, she saw clearly that it was in face her brother's travel bag. Piper's heart sank when he looked up and saw the airship being torn apart, explosions ripping it asunder. Behind her helmet, tears washed across her face as the Imperial woman first searched the waters near the [i]Tear[/i], then looked back to the sky. There she saw another figure, clad in leather racing down from above into the sea, meeting the surface with a crash before disappearing. Gripping the railing of the deck, Piper's breathing stopped as she stared at the spot her brother landed, waiting for him to come back up. He would. He had to. Cold as ice and black as sin was the water that engulfed Sagax. He was frozen in shock for but a moment before breaking free of the paralyzing grip of the ocean and finding his way upward. Small streaks of light breaking through the waves guided Sagax to the surface, where he was greeted by fire, debris, and most importantly, air. "SAGAX!" Above Sagax was the heavily-armored figure of his sister. He was glad to see she looked relatively unharmed after her scuffle with the werewolf. He waved over at Piper to signal that he heard her. "I'm over here! Hey, was I able to get my bag onto the ship?" "Wha-your bag...FORGET YOUR STUPID FUCKING BAG, YOU TWAT! GET YOUR ASS BACK ON THE SHIP!" As she spoke, Piper's voice became higher and higher pitched. Her throat had begun to lock up on her from anxiety, and she was still fighting to get the tears to stop even though Piper saw with her own eyes that Sagax looked fine. What was he thinking, asking about his bag? How the hell was that important!? "R-right...! Don't worry, I'm coming over now! I can still swim just fine!" Though the waves kept beating him back, Sagax was eventually able to make it back on board the [i]Kyne's Tear[/i] with the help of a couple of sailors and some rope. He barely had time to take a single step before Piper ran over to him and jerked him over to her in a tight, almost crushing embrace. Sagax could hear that his sister was breathing quickly and heavily, and he thought he heard sniffling from within her helmet as well. It was a rare display of emotion Piper was going through, and Sagax didn't really know what to say. So instead he remained quiet and simply returned his sister's hug as the others began pulling more people back onto the ship. He could check on the others later.