This what i have so far. should be able to finish it tomorrow. [hider= Ultfic] Name: Ultfic Age: 25 Gender: Male Sexuality: Straight Race: Levonian Kingdom: Earthica [hider=Appearance] [img],0,840,1000_AL_.jpg[/img] [/hider] Occupation: Captain of the Kingsguard Personality: Ultfic is a hard headed man with a quick temper if you push the right buttons. He is extremely strict when it comes to his men and can be quite harsh with them. Contrary to what many outsiders believe Ultfic is quit History: Weapons: Long sword [hider=Long sword] [img][/img] [/hider] - Beautifully crafted, it is a work of art that few could recreate. Rare is it to find a weapon in such condition. This is Ultfics family sword that was given to him when he was deemed ready to be a grand warrior fit of such a weapon. He makes sure to keep his weapon in pristine condition as it is his very lively hood and has saved his life numerous times. Round shield- to accompany his long sword Ultfic often carries around a round shield similar to that of Viking shields of old that bears the nations symbol on its front. Skills: Sword Master- Ultfic while being trained, grew fond of swords which soon became his preferred weapon on the battlefield. Working tirelessly Ultfic became a feared swordsmen amongst the other warriors and even to some outside his home. Battle minded- most believe it to be a natural gift that Ultfic is able to read a battlefield or a dual in seconds and find a strategy or a flaw in his opponents fighting abilities. While some is simple God given talent Ultfic has spent countless hours studying battle statics of former captains and generals so as to be the service he can to the people of Earthica. Scar(s): Small line on his right cheek but is covered by his beard. Varriouse cuts on his arms from countless battles and duels. Tattoo(s): [hider=My Hider] [/hider] Found on his right shoulder Additional Information: [/hider] Sorry the appearance is so large im trying to figure out a fix to it.