"Shit...maybe she didn't hear that," He thought. He watched frozen in place as she looked upwards towards him following from the downward trajectory the twig took to the ground. She has a good eye being able to find me so quickly in the dark. He saw her in the blink of an eye draw her blade and pull her hood back staring straight at him. Black scales covered her neck and reached up to her jaw and he thought he could almost see a red glow from her eyes. No way am I letting a dimuran close with me with that sword. I'd rather not tangle in close quarters with someone who could potentially toss me several feet with ease. [i]"Get down here, coward. High ground is hardly an advantage if you're dealing with me," She spat venomously. [/i] Oh she's an angry one. Best let her know I'm not threat to her. She seems like she probably knows how to us that sword pretty well too. As he is about to speak he see's her with her eyes still on him move into cover by the trees. A moment later he hears the crash of a cart nearby in the woods and the cries of fear coming from it's horses. [i]"I hope you've got a good reason for watching me, because you're about to find out how well you can stand up against Grimm," She said quickly[/i], turning and running towards the sounds of screams. Well that was just rude I didn't even get in a word edgewise. He began running along the branch leaping a short distance to the next following above the dimuran towards the sounds of screaming horses and now screaming woman. The dimuran quickly threaded through the trees and Quentin struggled to keep up with her having to pick and choose his way from branch to branch. He heard a shout and saw the woman parrying and knocking back a large beowulf as it tried to bare down on her. He surveyed the scene from a branch overlooking the road the cart had overturned on. Both of the horses had already been torn apart along with the driver. The cart rested on its side in the middle of the road while a beowulf reaching down into the carriage where the screaming woman's voice emanated from. He heard what sounded like a mocking laugh from the other side of the overturned carriage and saw a flash of moonlight off of what appeared to be metal claws. Not to be distracted from the beowulf reaching into the carriage, he focused himself knocking an arrow to his bow adding a whisper of wind magic to speed the arrows flight. Like the thousands of times before he pulled the string back to his cheek, let his breath out, and loosed it. The arrow guided by his wind magic sped faster and more accurately than a non magi could hope to duplicate under similar circumstances. It struck the beowulf at the base of its skull and the creature immediately dropped on top of the carriage limp. Unfortunately, that seemed to cause the screaming to intensify. Several more shadows came charging out of the woods from the opposite side of the road towards them as he knocked another arrow and loosed it.