[@BurningDaisies] The way I planned it, the gun's a leftover from a previous player. While I realize that canon is being shifted around a bit, it's heavily implied, if not stated outright, that the Six Great Gods and Eight Greed Kings were players. The Slane Theocracy makes a deliberate point of hunting down relics that the gods left behind, and this wouldn't be the first time a great discovery was made without anyone realizing it. Ulfric would have no way of knowing that he's holding the weapon of a fallen god or whatever, and I never intended the weapon to be on the same footing as, say Houyi's Bow. That said, I figured that a New Worlder, immortal shenanigans notwithstanding, needed some kind of equalizer against players with their epic gear and such. I realize that I was accepted, just laying out my thoughts.