[b][center][h2]Joel Nicolosi[/h2][/center][/b] Joel wasn’t sure about whatever reference she was making. He figured it was anime related based on the title and what he knew about her interests, but he was only really familiar with the classics: [i]Cowboy Bebop[/i], [i]Gundam[/i], [i]Dragonball[/i] and a few others here and there. What he did pick up on, however, was one word in particular: [i]restrictions[/i]. He rolled his eyes a little as she talked on about boundaries and rules, but then came and sat down in the booth right next to him. “Yeah, I think we are gonna need some ground rules...” He said in agreeance. “...for you.” With the leggings she was wearing against the seat’s vinyl cloth, it was very easy for him to put his hand on her hip and very comically and deliberately, slide her slowly to the other end of the booth. He turned and put his back against the wall with a smirk of pretend-satisfaction and rested one leg between them in a mock defense as the server returned for their orders. A few moments later the waitress returned with a small glass of [i]very[/i] dark liquor. “Here, I’m gonna show you somethin’ I invented.” He said digging into his jacket pocket and pulling out one of the small, Rebellion, energy shots, the same ones he’d sent Marlin as a gag. The logo simply read, [i]Within Treason[/i] in an old world font and the container itself was very cleverly designed to look like a musket cartridge with a distressed colonial flag. “Everybody’s heard of a Jaeger-bomb,” He said twisting the top off. “And I don’t even like Jaeger that much.” He poured the contents into the glass and the two drinks instantly reacted with one another turning solidly black with a dark red swirling wave that ebbed and flowed creating a spectacle within itself. “I’m gonna call it a [i]Black Flag[/i].” He said with some amusement looking down at the glass as the two drinks rolled against one another inside the glass almost as if they were fighting. “Seems to fit,” He shrugged. “Maybe it’ll catch on and be a thing.” [@Almalthia]