Brendon had seen glimpses of undoubtedly mortifying photos of Ryan posted everywhere in the background, on the walls, on people’s shirts, and he only wished he was there to mock him. He’d have a field day with all the ammo provided at Ryan’s hellish birthday party; and though he knew Ryan was probably having a shitty time anyway, he didn’t much [i]care.[/i] It had gotten to a point in their more than dysfunctional relationship (or lack thereof) that neither of them had any mercy anymore, but then similarly neither of them really took anything the other said to heart, because they’d heard every insult under the sun from eachother before. Time hadn’t turned them sweeter, either, like everyone hoped would happen, so life would be easier for everyone else; in fact, they were both so stubborn that he grudges they bore for eachother had only strengthened even as they spent more and more time on the road, every waking moment spent within twenty feet of eachother, much less when they were in the bus. Was Brendon going to wish him happy birthday? Acknowledge it besides making fun of how old he was getting? Of course not. Would Ryan do the same on Brendon’s birthday? Undoubtedly. They’d fallen into loathesome step with eachother, forever wanting to get closer, but when they did, they moved away from eachother in a heartbeat, in some sort of dicey dance routine. Not to say Brendon hadn’t entertained the idea of them being friends. Familiarity often sweetened a sour taste, and though Brendon would never admit it, he did wonder whether they would get on if Ryan didn’t think Brendon shouldered in without warning on his not even coveted spotlight, and Brendon wasn’t fiery and argumentative and headstrong, more of a speaker than a thinker, always saying the first thing that came to his mind and in the process, fanning the flames of a confrontation up into a malicious inferno. So, though he thought about it fleetingly, their prospects weren’t looking good. He’d entertained it firstly earlier in the year when Ryan’s dad became terminal, when he’d surprised even himself by shutting up when he saw it necessary and even offering slightly awkward but sweet words of support because in his eyes, he might want to throttle Ryan and throw his body off the side of the tour bus most of the time, but nobody deserved to go through what Ryan was going through. He’d even hugged him that one time. He sneered at the thought, now, though he felt a little warm inside at the same time. So it wasn’t like Brendon was evil. He had a conscience, and he could be observant when he wanted to, so he knew that Ryan would probably be having a shitty time at Keltie’s tone-deaf and completely nonsensical party- and his point was proved when a slightly tipsy Ryan turned up at his hotel room door in [i]Seattle[/i] when he was supposed to be in [i]NYC.[/i] Understandably, he was stunned- even if they had been close friends, he’d be taken off guard by Ryan flying across the country to see him, but what made this all the more baffling was that they weren’t. They weren’t friends. They weren’t acquaintances, either- they knew too much about eachother for it to be that. They were bandmates, with a strong mutual dislike for eachother, and it was equal parts aggravating and confusing that Ryan would show up on his temporary doorstep in the middle of the night when he was supposed to be across the country, with the rest of his friends, his [i]girlfriend[/i], and at his birthday party. Brendon trailed Ryan over to the couch and stood on the other side of the coffee table, folding his arms across his chest because he suddenly realised he felt a little exposed. Though still intensely baffled and curious, he was now amused, the full absurdity of the situation realising itself in his mind; Ryan fucking Ready and abandoned his birthday party and his girlfriend of a year in favour of crashing the hotel room and raiding the minifridge of the bandmates across the country that he supposedly hated. More material. Ryan was making it too easy. Fuck [i]you.[/i] Brendon blinked, bit his lip, tried not to giggle, because clearly something was up, otherwise Ryan wouldn’t react so animatedly. He watched, clearly judgemental, mock-pitying, as Ryan sat up and crossed his legs. [i]Fuck you, okay?[/i] [b]”You were the one who came here, Ryan,”[/b] Brendon interrupted, sounding bored until Ryan became a little more hysterical. [i]All you ever do is whine about Keltie.[/i] Brendon raised his eyebrows, clenched his jaw. Like he was the only one. [i]Maybe it’s not your fucking business.[/i] Ryan was right, it wasn’t, but did Brendon care? Not much. [b]”Hey, I haven’t got a problem with Keltie, she seems nice. Bad taste in men,”[/b] He mused, seriously trying to control his face to stop himself from smirking as he stared at all the little bottles lined up on the table. [i]A year, and she has no idea who I am.[/i] There was a pause while Brendon processed Ryan’s words, noted the swift change of his tune, and realised that yeah, this was all definitely to do with Keltie. He saw that Ryan was upset, but he didn’t feel any sympathy yet. [b]”Maybe that’s why she’s still with you,”[/b] He suggested helpfully, chipping at his nails as if none of this really mattered much to him. Looking up, though, he figured that sad Ryan would be even more annoying than usual, so he physically strained to try and be actually of assistance, in the driest way possible. [b]”You’re a dumbass, you know that? She’s always looked at you like you’re some kind of weird zoo animal. You’re her... Objective eye candy. A talking point in her circle.”[/b] Harsh, maybe, true, yes. Brendon felt a little bad, now, and he wasn’t sure why. Maybe seeing Ryan all vulnerable like this again brought back the sweetness he’d displayed once before. [i]I should’ve broken up with her a long time ago.[/i] Oh. Brendon clicked his tongue, didn’t want to voice his agreement but agreeing with him anyway. He didn’t care, of course he didn’t, not like he actually, you know, worried about him sometimes, but he knew Ryan would be better off without Keltie. Brendon walked around after a moment of hesitation and sat down on the other end of the couch, still examining his hands. He said nothing, just tried to seem a little disinterested. [i]I feel like shit.[/i] Brendon eyes the little row of mini bottles and then glanced at Ryan, but said nothing for a moment, before shaking his head.. [b]”Seriously. What are you even doing here?”[/b]