[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/TQruLqA.jpg[/img][/center] [i]Osen, the energy of the Ose, and the lifeblood of civilization, is the basis upon which this world stands. Without it, everything would fall apart. It is the force that keeps order, and the force that drives humanity forwards. This profound strength is found in enormous, glowing crystals throughout the world; they are relics of the past, and harbingers of a foreboding future. This is because the crystals grant the the supreme and unequaled power of the Ose- this power exceeds belief and reason, and overshadows even the toughest of nature’s storms. With these crystals, humanity, once weak and mewling, transformed itself into the fiercest race that walks this world. Humanity has scarcely discovered why, but the Ose choose a portion of humanity to act as their voices, their hands, and their wills. Perhaps the Ose feel sympathy, or enjoy toying with humans as though life is all some sick game. Truly, no one really knows- --except for those who were given this grand mantle, whom would change the world forever. They are called the Osem, and are hands and feet of the Ose. The first Osem were the first of humanity to use Osen, and the first to taste its incomprehensible power. Bound to accomplish the goals of the Ose, they destroyed nations, waged wars, raised mountains, and created the vast oceans.They are the embodiment of change. For better, or for worse. But it is not so glorious as you would think. Osem are no longer human. They are chosen by the Ose as an answer, and are only borrowing the power of the Ose to solve a problem. If they fail, they will become a wretched beast that hungers eternally; and if they succeed, they will become the crystals that are the blood of the world. No one thirsts to be an Osem, to have the fate of the world hang on their weak, mortal shoulders, like the heavy shackles of a prisoner, but that is now your fate. Your task, given to you by the Ose, is to bring an end to the almighty Shijuhan Dynasty- the tyrannical militaristic state at war with every country in the world. Your task is gargantuan, the odds of your success non-existent, and the adversity you face is overwhelming. In the end, will you collapse and die with a whimper? Or will you steel yourself and run headfirst into your destiny? [/i] [hr] Hey there! Crabs here, and you've just read the interest check for [i]The Crystalline Blood[/i], an rp taking place in a medieval fantasy dystopian setting where one war-hungry nation is slowly conquering the world. Your character's goal, while a big one, is to stop that from happening. Anyway, let me know if you are interested! Though, I do have some expectations for my players: [hider=Expectations (read me!)] 1. Always, always, always ask me questions if you have any- either on discord (KingofCrabs#8755) or on here through PM. Please, do not hold out! You cannot annoy me with questions, even if you feel like a pest! Also, if there's certain ideas/character concepts you'd like to explore, I'm very flexible and am willing to help you realize those. 2. Be the person that you want to roleplay with- be friendly, helpful, kind, whatever, but if you cannot treat your fellow players or myself with respect, I'm going to kick you out of the rp. 3. Follow all site rules. Not much to say about that. 4. If you cannot post often, this is probably not the rp you'll want to join. I don't expect you to post five times a day, heck, even asking for a post a day is sometimes too much- but know that I am not (usually) going to pause the action because people cannot post. If you have to step away from the rp for reasons other than disinterest, please let me know with as little or as much detail as you are comfortable with, and I'll do my best to accommodate your absence. 5. I am not going to be very strict on posts this rp. I expect at least one paragraph that drives the plot forwards and doesn't disrupt the rp (such as god-modding, completely breaking up the narrative, etc)- but that's all, really. Write as much as you need or want to, and if anyone has a problem with that, I'll stand by you. 6. Let me know if you are leaving the rp. I will not judge you for leaving the rp. If you are leaving because of problems you have with the rp, though, do let me know on your way out. 7. Ask questions, be creative, and have fun with the rp! [/hider]