[h3][center]Celina Letendre[/center][/h3] [hr] This was a complicated situation. There was 2 choices here. Either the group goes and head in the forest to find that person… which would take risks and would not be sure that they would find someone, or they head to the mountain to have a look around. Now here was the main issue here.. If they went to the mountain, they would lose some time getting there. And then there was that last part that the cat said… hand, claw or… tentacle? At that last word, Richard shivered, shaking right now as Celina looked at him and sighed a bit. The group still wasn’t sure what it was before, but considering what Richard said before and the feeling of something slimy on his back before he ran away… not the best we could say. Celina looked at the golem and think a bit. “I think we will take our chances and go find that guy. I mean… considering this forest… all the pods might be open or something… we will have more chance to find that person if we head off… we just needed a place to start go look. I hope they are ok…” Celina then said. “And if we don’t find them, we probably will be heading back to our ship. For now… Take care.” She then says before going to head off. Richard gave a slight sight of relief. One thing for sure though is that when the group gets back to the ship Celina going to let Richard stay on the ship for guard duty with others. At least there he is more focused on one area and not looking around constantly while moving around and trying to not have any beast tower over him by surprises or something. Zoe sighed at bit. “Well.. You’re the boss Celina.. And anyway, we probably will be able to send the drones to scout when our systems are back online.” Zoe then said. Celina nod at that. Well... indeed the drones would be useful, but would they be able to find anyone without being broken considering this strange forest? Well only time will tell when those will be deployed