[hr][hr][center][h1][color=0072bc]Jason[/color] and [color=a187be]Janelle[/color] [color=0072bc]Gauger[/color][/h1] [img]https://image.ibb.co/bwpq9G/ezgif_com_gif_maker.gif[/img] [I]Location: Seattle, Washington Interacting With: Trevor[/I][/center][hr][hr] Janelle didn't really pay much attention to the texts going off on the phones relating to the little group that had met together. She had ways to be able to send messages to others, using voice commands and such, but she preferred to not use it if she didn't have to. It was too much of a hassle, and she stuck with using the phone as an actual phone, and using it to call people. She heard the knock on the door, she had been sitting on the couch, and she was curious as to who was there. Jason had been in his room, just flipping through the texts from Gideon, Cynthia, and Isley, he didn't respond to them either, preferring to just see what they had found out. He noticed that Scott wasn't responding either, which was to be expected considering the fact that he had wanted only Janelle to have his number. He heard the knock on the door and got up, heading out into the main area and he looked at his sister. [color=0072bc]"Did someone just knock?"[/color] he asked her. She nodded at him, standing up from the couch. [color=a187be]"Yeah, someone did... Though I don't know who would be showing up right now or something. It is strange if you ask me, but we should probably see who it is,"[/color] she said, giving her brother a smile. Janelle grabbed her cane and made her way to the door, curious as to who was there. [color=0072bc]"I've got it,"[/color] he responded, hurrying in front of her and opening up the door. There he noticed Trevor, who was not someone that he recognized, the guy was a complete stranger to him. Jace looked at him, wondering what the hell he wanted, and decided to just ask him in the end. [color=0072bc]"Uh, can I help you with something?"[/color] he asked, moving slightly so he was standing in front of his sister more.