[center][h1][color=cyan]Lauren Ridgeway[/color][/h1] [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/MsjSacXMUUKbu/giphy.gif[/img] [i]Location: Outside of the Cairo Museum Skills: N/A[/I][/center] [hr][hr] Lauren started to gag from the scent of burnt flesh as she took a few steps back as she watched the men who ran over towards a nearby fountain by the museum. She quickly did the same and made a run over towards the fountain wetting the cloth that she managed to get and then ran over to try and smother the flames out for good. Lauren closed her eyes as she tried her best to try and ignore the awful smell, then the security guard came out with one of the men. Lauren watched as the last of the flames were put out, she looked over at the mess that was there seeing Neema die like that made her shudder. Lauren didn't want to know what burning to death would even look like or feel like, she just had a sinking feeling that it was most likely one of the worse ways to go out. But then her thoughts went to the recent deaths that have happened with Haakon, Peter Aziza and Harry as well. There were way to many that have happened. Lauren needed to go and tell the other's right away it was becoming way to much of a coincidence as well. Lauren quickly picked up the food she got of the cat and started to make her way back inside, if the police needed her to talk or anything then Lauren would certainly do that if they needed her to.