Shiro tapped the plate on the side of his helm, letting the metalic plates slide back and away, blinking a few times at the change of vision. his helm used a combination of low spectrum ultraviolet and high freequency infra red, he was now back in normal light. "Why would that be?" he said, making a gesture and a small blue flame lighting in the air next to her pipe. "I assumed this was a call for help. I was board of my old universe, so why not a new one?" he pointed out and stretched, "human, ehanced stamina, medium strength, trained in blades. I'd say assassin off the top of my head." he next turned the gaze of his cold blue eyes on the Kolbold. "Kolbold, fireproof, low strength, non threat." he then looked at Kroga. "Lizzan-kin, walking staff, pipe, ceremonial beeds, I'd say witchdoctor, or quack." he observed and lent against a pew. "old building, possibly 17 eon's old, I'd say hand built. at a guess I'd say I was in a info-metric era planet." he sighed. "I'm shiro. no you don't know what I am or who I am. or even what I'm capable of, but from what I've seen, to you I'm probably classifiable as a demi-god."