This is the story of a lost princess of the remnant kingdom of Atlantis. You are that princess. But you were lost as an infant in America. You would never know your real parents until you were in your teens (age 15-17) when you wee in a near fatal accident involving being hit by a car while fleeing from armed assailants. Sheer fortune put police and an ambulance close by and you awoke in a hospital with people there to see you. (Or they could just pick you up and walk out with you. Time is of the essence.) Until that day there had never had a DNA test. But that DNA test sent agents scrambling to rescue you. You see, your biological mother died the day you were lost. You biological father died only recently, though he remarried. The current Queen is not eligible to rule and the kingdom is on the verge of division. How you grew up is up to you. Your mother was forced to remove the tracking implant and abandon you. Even Atlantis doesn’t know this part. They only know that both of your tracking chips went silent. Yours was completely destroyed and never found. As you might surmise she left you to lead enemies away, knowing full well she couldn’t escape. A few interesting tidbits about your health. The Atlanteans started a breeding program like the Athenians thousands of years before the time of Plato. And the royal family are among the finest specimens. You have inherited that good health. You have never broken a bone in your life. Even the car accident didn’t crack a single bone. It was a ‘miracle.’ You have a very strong immune system, but you haven’t had the usual regimen of antibiotics growing up an Atlantean would. She would be highly intelligent - well above normal (though not necessarily well educated). She is a natural athlete (though less so if she has never tried to be athletic). Her vision and hearing would be well above average. [color=ed145b][b]Blank CS[/b][/color] [color=f26522][b]Atlantis[/b][/color] The kingdom isn’t known by that name and never was - except in modern pop culture by people who misread the stories of Plato. The truth is far more complicated than conspiracy theorists realize. Some say Atlantis was destroyed by the Thera Eruption in 1600 BC (partly true). Some say it was located on the Island of Atlas beyond the Pillars of Hercules (partly true). The truth is even better. Atlantis was Zealandia, the 8th continent. The other two locations were respectively a colony and an artificial island. What remains of Atlantis is now what we know as New Zealand (not their name but they know what everyone else calls them). Note: I COULD have just made up some artificial islands, but I like real maps. For the sake of this RP New Zealand as a nation does not exist. The Maori did arrive there in waved between 1250 and 1300 AD but were turned away to live either in Australia or on islands. Those who live on islands are protected by Atlantis. Atlantis appears to be a 3rd world kingdom. Think Wakanda from Marvel. The people look more like lighter skinned Greeks. Think Wonder Woman. Typical hair color is black. They are caucasian, but never sunburn. They are disgustingly healthy. They are a closed kingdom, restricting tourism to select areas. The truth is that the history of Atlantis is rich and shrouded in mystery even from Atlanteans. They have their own gods and mythos. They have their own archaeologists. They were capable of creating artificial islands in 2000 BCE and traveled around the globe. The devastation that hit them in 1600 BCE had a profound impact on them and forced them to withdraw to their current lands. But they have had over 3000 years to recover. [color=f26522][b]The Late King and Queen[/b][/color] [color=f26522][b]The Current Queen Regent[/b][/color] [color=f26522][b]Posting[/b][/color] The RP will be run via PM's. 3-5 posts per week. Expected length: about a page+ in 12pt font. Conversations or cold encounters are expected to be shorter. Content is more important. I am not a grammar Nazi, but ... within reason. I hate to be such an ogre. But time is precious to me. If this is too strict, I understand. Note: I use the Nation genre hesitantly as the player won't have much in the way of control to start. But control is the aim of the RP. 18+ may become an issue of the RP goes on long enough.