[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/QCgTnAH.png[/img][/center] [hr][@Zeroth][@ReusableSword] A hit. A scream. A thud. Panic.  THAT was more like it.... Subtly smirking at his success, Jason strained his vision into the darkness, trying to make out how lethal his shot was this time around.  However, an explosion behind the goblin lines stole his attention. A blossoming flame, complete with sickly purple  tinge burst forth, illuminating the area around it; even if only for a second.  The echoing roar of Rattleskull was like music to Jason's 'ears'. Ardur had chosen well. The hairy fuck's roar wasn't one of pain, but of rage.  Though he couldn't see the massive bastard, he sure as hell could hear him sprinting forward before a bright, angry red--brighter than any of the other goblins' Smash skill flashed in the distant darkness.  Not only did this mean that Jason's comrades now knew at least one of Rattleskull's abilities, but with him now enraged, luring him into an ambush; far ahead of goblin lines, would be increadibly simple.  Without their leader, the goblins would falter, and possibly even surrender to the reincarnates. Climbing out of his hole, Jason formed the non-'hat' part of his body into something similar to a ball, and proceeded to roll over to the bonfire area as fast as he could.  Upon arriving, he immediately used [b][Soil Manipulation I][/b] to dig himself another hole (at H10) identical to the hole he had created for sniping, and once again set himself up.  Any excess mana was forcefully discharged from his body into the back of the hole as psychic type mana through use of [b][Telepathy II][/b]. Consuming his second to last mana crystal, Jason waited for his target. The moment Rattleskull came into range of [b][Rock Spire I][/b], Jason was going to first use the ability to trip the Brute. Then, just before his hulking form would hit the ground, he would summon a second spire into Rattleskull's throat, hopefully delivering a swift, easy deathblow.