[CENTER][img]https://image.ibb.co/gVCmCp/i_Piccy_Design.jpg[/img] [hider=Blay] [center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjEwNi5mN2I1NmUuUW14aGEyVlNZWGxOYVc0LC4wAA,,/magical-stylish-script-demo.regular.png[/img] [img]https://image.ibb.co/jw46sp/pjimage.jpg[/img] [hr][hr] [color=FFB374][u][b]Name:[/b][/u] Blake Ray Min [u][i][b]Nickname:[/b][/i][/u] Blay, Blakmin, Bmin [u][i][b]Age:[/b][/i][/u] 18 [u][i][b]Gender:[/b][/i][/u] Female [u][i][b]Sexuality:[/b][/i][/u] Bisexual [u][i][b]Relationship Status:[/b][/i][/u] Single [u][i]Hometown:[/i][/u] Guri, Gyeonggi, South Korea [hr][hr] [i][b]In-Depth Appearance:[/b][/i] Brown Hair, Pale Skin. Doe Eyes, Tattoo. A plump pout, A cheerful smile. Yes, these features belong to Blake, Some say she is a gorgeous and cute girl. She stands at 5'2, She has pale skin that reminder her brother of snow white when they were younger, So that his special nickname for her snow white. Because of her pale skin,[url=https://data.whicdn.com/images/313881712/large.jpg]The tattoo of a sunflower on the back of her neck with a quote under it that says 'Always be Modest'[/url] stands out alot when she had her hair up in a bun or ponytail. Her clothing taste tends toward very casual yet feminine attire, She tends to stick with pastel and bright colors. Usually you'll always see her wearing collared blouses with a long cardigan paired with a modest skirt or blue jeans. Well at least the side of her she'll let you see anyways. All the way in the back of her closet hidden by a couple of boxes she has a completely different wardrobe that consists of tight revealing clothes that range in a multitude of dark colors. She also keeps colored extensions and wigs with some dark colored makeup in a box for nights she sneaks out of the house to go hangout in clubs or bars were she knows her friends would never bother to go. [img]https://image.ibb.co/j7oAJU/i_Piccy_collage.jpg[/img] [hr] [u][i][b]Personality:[/b][/i][/u] Contrary to her appearance, Blake in no way fits the stereotype of your typical "Good Girl". Even though she is a straight-A student, thus making her arguably one of the most intelligent students in School. Not to mention she's an overachiever. Blake strived to be the perfect student, daughter, and sister simply to please everyone around her. Many often view her as the perfect girl next door, a phrase that she hates as it couldn't be any further from the truth. Mentally, Blake suffers from issues far worse than she lets on. She occasionally struggles with her anger and aggression, often resulting in her clenching her fist so intensely that she leaves scars on her palms. This isn't the only instance of Blake losing control. She sometime time like to dress up in clothes and wigs or extensions, so her friends and family would never recognized her if they passed her in the street. During those times, she stays away them all to let out steam or just to have fun without being judged by them. Sometimes, when she out She'll purposely get into fights with others to get rid of her anger and irritation. In spite of all the darkness that surrounds Blake, she is still a loving and joyful person that people love to have at their side. She also is a person who likes to put the extra effort in when it comes to the people she cares about. Like when she and her brother, [url=http://pm1.narvii.com/6746/e9b61940b3010a67eb7a068a95fabd13c77bd98dv2_00.jpg]Addison[/url] were growing up, she hated the fact that the two of them would be in different grades, since Addison was doing terrible with some of his courses. So Blake worked with Addison by tutoring him until he passed his grades. She even goes out of her way to throw her friends a birthday party every year. [img]https://image.ibb.co/c9ijxp/ioi_1467995318_af_org.jpg[/img] [hr] [u][b][i]Background:[/i][/b][/u] Blake was born on November 20th, on chilly night. Her parents like to tell that the room seemed to warm up from happiness because she came in to the healthy and beautiful. She born in a small hospital in Guri, South Korea to JinRae Min and Yoonji Min. She doesn't really remember anything about korea, Her family had moved to the U.S. shortly after she was born due to her father being promoted in the tech company he works for. A few months of settling into their home in brooklyn, new york. She became a big sister to one Addison Rain Min on October 18 of that same year. While they were growing it was primarily just her, Addison, and a nanny. Her parents were both dedicated to their careers, They did try to spend as much time with their kids as possible. But unfortunately, sometimes their work came first. That all changed when her mother Yoonji, was diagnosed with cancer. Both her parents started staying home more, Blake learned more about her about her like how they met, how she got her. Even started to learn how to cook from her mother. The day her mother passed away, she made a promise to take care of her brother and father. Thankfully, She had her brother to help cheer up their dad whenever he was feeling depressed. She always found school easy and boring, so whenever Addison need help with schoolwork she was happy to tutor him. Sometime, during her 1st year of high school she got a part time job at a cafe. While she was working their to earn some extra cash to help out around the house. She started to feel irritated and annoyed a lot, So she started sneaking out to let loose and it helped whether it be sneaking into a club and dancing all night. Or getting into a fight with a random stranger. It was oddly easy enough to hide her nightly activities from everyone, In her point of view she didn't want to know and worry. She was balancing things just fine. Going to school, hanging out with her friends and family, going to work, and than sneaking out whenever she could became normal for her. She never thought anything would really change, She was excited to be spending the summer with her friends. All the way up till, she found out that her dad was being promoted again. But this time he was going back to korea, He wants both Addison and Blake to go back with him. [img]https://image.ibb.co/cpFEDU/unnamed.jpg[/img] [hr][hr] [u][i][b]Habits:[/b][/i][/u] Pulls earlobes when nervous ~ Lips are always slightly parted ~ Taps foot when concentrated ~ Eats when stressed ~ Daydreams when bored [u][i][b]Hobbies:[/b][/i][/u] Painting ~ Photography ~ Dancing ~ Playing Games [u][i][b]Likes:[/b][/i][/u] Tattoos ~ Food ~ Video Games ~ Iced Coffee ~ Horror Movies ~ Calligraphy ~ Boy Bands [Secret] ~ Sneakers [i][b]Dislikes:[/b][/i] Studying ~ Cold Weather ~ Boredom ~ Short Days ~ When plans are made, than suddenly canceled with no excuse [b][i][u]Fears:[/u][/i][/b] She has a fear of thunderstorms, usually tries to use music to drown out the sounds of thunder. She doesn't like to be crowded or in tight dark spaces. [b][u][i]Secret:[/i][/u][/b] She has this whole other side to her that she keeps hidden from everyone. She hasn't told any of her friends yet. But her family is moving back to korea, So this really is her last chance to spend time with her friends. [img]https://image.ibb.co/ecB4V9/1d4826e34c300e72bff11cc662173e8a.jpg[/img] [hr][hr] [u][i][b]Miscellaneous:[/b][/i][/u] When her parents first found out that they were having a boy, they were ecstatic. They prepared the birth certificate with a name and everything, it just needed a date of birth, gender and time as well as a seal of authentication. So in their excitement, They handed the birth certificate they handed the nurse to turn in for them when her mother went into labor. So it was a pleasant surprise for them when she gave birth to a baby girl instead of a boy. By then it was too late to change her name, but her parents thought it fit her just fine. Unfortunately for her brother, [url=http://pm1.narvii.com/6746/e9b61940b3010a67eb7a068a95fabd13c77bd98dv2_00.jpg]Addison Rain Min[/url]. They decide like the confusion that other people got when they thought blake was boy and their being introduced to a little girl.[/color] [img]https://image.ibb.co/bTkNHp/bfb186d8aa5ea3a2113dce90ada30b6265fe85cb_hq.jpg[/img] [hr][hr][/center] [/hider] [hider=Admin] [center][color=E56A03][hr][hr][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjU0LmRiNzIwMC5RV1JrYVhOdmJpQlNZV2x1SUUxcGJnLCwuMA,,/blackhand-trial.regular.png[/img] [img]https://image.ibb.co/b0daNp/i_Piccy_collage2.jpg[/img][hr][hr] Name: Addison Rain Min Nickname: Rson, Admin, Addy (only his sister is allowed to call him that) Age: 17 Gender: Male Sexuality: Pansexual Relationship Status: Sexy, free, and very much SINGLE He is ready to, Bingo! Hometown: Brooklyn, New York[hr][hr] In-Depth Appearance: With bright, dark brown eyes, Addison stands at 5' 3". Ha! 1 inch taller than Blay. His body is well built from working out but mostly from dancing. His skin is fairly pale, only tanning slightly when constantly exposed to the sun. Often hidden under a snapback, his dark brown hair is short on both sides and longer in the middle. He has a vertical scar on outside of his right leg, He got from going up behind Blay and scaring her. She flipped right into the recycling bin. Although he’ll take any chance to show off his toned abs, Addison dresses in baggy, comfortable clothes, except when he going out on dates or outing with friends where tight form fitting clothes. His closet mainly consists of black, white, and gray clothing and a small amount of reds and blues for the occasional splash of color. Also, both his ears are pierced 3 on his right, 4 on his left. [img]https://image.ibb.co/cddTQ9/Park.jpg[/img][hr] Personality: Addison is very optimistic. He loves to enjoy life and try new things. He somehow manages to find the good in everything and knows how to make the best out of the worst situations. Seldom is he seen in a sour mood and if he is, then the situation must be very grave. But even then he tends to laugh his problems away. However, his optimism can sometimes be confused as being naive or even oblivious to the harsh realities of the world. He is extremely passionate and loyal, whether it be to people or his beliefs. He will stand up for anything or anyone dear to him. It makes him stubborn at times, which can either be a blessing or a curse. Especially, when it comes to his older sister. He loves and respects her the most out of everyone else in his family, He recently started noticing her sneaking out alot. He swears if it because of a he'll be all over the guy like donkey kong. First and foremost, Addison is very goofy. He’s corny and second of all, a cheesy romantic. Because of this, most people are unable to take him seriously or trust him easily. But contrary to popular belief, he is not a player. Yes, he’s had multiple girlfriends and boyfriends before but never simultaneously. He also only flirts when he’s not in a relationship. He will literally go for anyone he finds appealing, which is almost everyone. Thus, it’s no surprise when he is constantly faced with rejection. Despite this, Addison is still quite prideful. He likes to do everything with his head held high and will often feign confidence lest he appear weak and incompetent-- things he finds unattractive. This causes him to subconsciously bluff about abilities he lacks, often making him seem like a compulsive liar to others. Another negative trait is that he is unfocused when it comes to things that disinterest him, such as subjects pertaining to any sciences or math. Unfortunately, a distracted Addison can become a distraction to the whole class. But thankfully, His big sis is able to help focus at home so he can pass his grades. [img]https://image.ibb.co/fffmCp/maxresdefault.jpg[/img][hr] Background: Born, the only son of JinRae Min and Yoonji Min. He was born in Brooklyn, just a few months after his parents and sister moved to the United States. Since his parents, were transferred to america to work there for a few years. It was always hard to spend time with them. But he was okay with it, since he still had his sister Blake. He convinced himself, that as long as he had sister to take care of him. Nothing bad could happen. When Addison was nine, his mother passed away from cancer. At that time, His father had fallen minor depression but his crazy dance moves and corny puns always put a smile on his face. Every morning he’d wake up to a joke and go to bed at night after a small performance from Addison. He saw that he developed a passion for dancing and began saving money to enroll him in a school of arts, hoping to enhance his skills. Thank to him and his sister, by the time their father's grievance leave was over not only was he able to get back to work quickly. But their family connection was stronger. Even, Though their father was working as hard as he did when he first moved to the US. He made more time for them than before, One weekend before was suppose to start high school; Their father took them to see street performs. Since then he has been hooked, He has been taking dance classes. He wants to be a performer someday, that's his dream for the future. Even though outside of school, he's got mad skills. He also has to relay on Blay for tutoring so he can understand his classes, thanks to her tutoring Addison was able to skip a grade and take all the same classes as her and the rest of their friends. When his sister told him that they were to go with everybody on this trip to florida, He became super excited to go. He's hoping one of the other's will be able to find out what's going with his sister. [img]https://image.ibb.co/daR4yU/eh_500.jpg[/img] [hr][hr] Habits: Always carries extra change in his pocket to give to homeless people around the city Cracks knuckles when nervous. Always steps with his right foot first and last. Eats an odd number of things. Toys with the clasp of his watch when nervous or deep in thought Hobbies: Dancing Drawing (only when he is completely alone) People Watching Likes: Languages Camping Music Acting Singing Dancing Skinship Having Fun Dislikes: Animals Homework Classwork Buzzkills Even Numbers Being Serious Cynics Secrets: Reason why I'm scared of cats Because sis doesn't want people to know; were moving to korea. So yeah that's a secret Saves voicemails of people he loves. Been trying to follow, Blay whenever she goes out. but sadly always loses her Fears: Becoming paralyzed Losing his sister Cats, Fricken Blay knows why [img]https://image.ibb.co/gNHBdU/jimin_1_1920_1080.jpg[/img][hr][hr] Miscellaneous: Addison practiced taekwondo for four years, recently stopping the summer prior to junior year. It's been pointed out that he has a sister complex, but he really doesn't think he has one Performs withs a street dancing crew, after school on the weekends [img]https://image.ibb.co/bTkNHp/bfb186d8aa5ea3a2113dce90ada30b6265fe85cb_hq.jpg[/img][hr][hr][/color][/center] [/hider] Hope it's alright, oddly enough had a easier time with Addison, than Blake. let me know if there is anything you want me to change. [/CENTER]