What happened next was instantaneous. The heavy, blinding rain continued to pour down from the gloomy gray sky. As Delilah edged out into the intersection passed the traffic light, she could not have forseen the immenent danger. A large box truck, it’s weak lights barely visible through the rain, ran the adjacent red light. The driver, too sidetracked on getting home and out of the storm, failed to see the small vehicle pulling out in front of him. Not to mention that he was driving over the advised speed limit for this weather. By the time he had passed the red light and spotted the vehicle before him, it was too late. He vainly slammed his foot down on the brake, while pounding his fist onto the horn. The truck slid on it’s brakes across the sopping wet pavement, horn blaring and brakes screeching as it slammed violently into the side of the smaller vehicle. With a horrible crash and the shredding screech of metal, Delilah’s car was flipped violently over to the right as the horrified driver pointlessly jerked at his steering wheel.