[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/jizuZoV.gif[/img] [h3][color=red]LYSANDER[/color][/h3][/center] Lysander took what mamarou said into consideration. On the one hand, heroes didn't randomly punch Amane in the face, they had REASONS for punching Amane in the face and... Well nobody was really being actively tormented by the gravity well. It was disappointing on so many levels, being righteously denied his fame because its not the right thing to do. But Toru suggested brainstorming, a sport Lysander referred to mostly as "Idea stealing and credit taking excersize." But for once, Lysander actually did have an idea. A good one, maybe, possibly. [Color=red]"Okay okay, I get your points, and as leader I say uh... Mamarou us right we can't just punch his stupid cocky face. We have to do something better, like... I got it! Lets freaking destroy the elastic inside of his uniform or suit, so when he uses his quirk he drops his pants to the ground! Eh? Eh?[/color] Lysander retracted his wires only now, after he spoke. All grwat leaders were tall compared to their subjects, and with Dulga existing in this school well, stilts were necessary. He had yet to notice Seiko creeping behind him, due to his blindingly huge ego keeping him from registering competition