[quote=@BKburke] My cs is up. [hider]The Player [b]Name:John Clarke[/b] [b]Age:23[/b] [b]Gender:male[/b] [b]Bio:[/b] Growing up, John didn't have many friends. With his older siblings being more popular, most kids wanted to hang out with them. This caused him to be somewhat timid and introvert. His lack of friends caused him to be on the computer more so than he'd like to admit. This led to him reading about YGGDRASIL. After buying the equipment to play, his journey into YGGDRASIL finally started. In the game things were different. John had many friends while playing the game though he never sought to make a guild. At the end, he spent his last minutes of YGGDRASIL on a hilltop where he met his first friends. [b]Connection to :[/b] The Avatar [i]A quiet an observant individual who wont back away from helping someone in need[/i] [hider] [b]Name:Masrith[/b] [b]Appearance:[hider][img]https://pre00.deviantart.net/4708/th/pre/i/2016/074/7/3/wizard_by_neexsethe-d9v7u8b.png[/img][/hider][/b] Description and/or Image [b]Origin: YGGDRASIL[/b] [b]Race: Heteromorphic-Dragonoid[/b] [b]Gender: Male[/b] [b]Character Level: 100[/b] [b]Alignment:50[/b] [b]Racial Class:[/b] Dragonion doesn't have any racial classes listed so not sure what to put here. [b]Job Class:[/b] Wizard High Wizard War Wizard Summoner World Disaster [b]Strengths and Weaknesses: As a pure mage, He posses extremely high magical damage output but when compared to other classes, he has low vitality and agility. His spells allow him great control over the field at a distance though at close combat he is a sitting duck. He tries to compensate his short comings by summoning but there are spells that can restrict summoning abilities. While his high tier spells can do considerable damage, they have a hefty mana consumption which makes him hesitant to use them.[/b] [b]Equipment/Abilities:[/b] Equipment: Mask of The Silent One: A plain mask with no features, it is practically useless as it only serves as a decorative item. Magi's Aggressor: A staff that boosts magical attacks up to 30% as casters mana depletes. Summoners Blessing: 3 times a day, the first three summoning spells that Masrith casts are cast without mana consumption so long as they are 3rd tier or lower. Magi's Haste: Robes that shorten spell cast time by 10%. Saviors Ring: A high class ring that allows one to cast a 6th tier heal spell 5 times a day. Abilities: Grand Catastrophe: By far his most powerful spell. It is a trump card and uses as a last resort. This spells destructive capacity can wipe out primal elementals though it consumes 60% total mana and would leave Masrith at a considerable disadvantage should he engage in a fight after using this spell. Summon Angel 4th tier: Summons either a Principality Observation or Principality Peace Dragon lightning: A 5th tier spell that shoots out a lightning bolt in the form of a dragon, that then seeks out its target. Crystal Lance: A 4th tier spell used by Evileye against Entoma, launching an elongated cold object sent flying in her direction. [b]How a normal human would view this character: In human form, he would simply be viewed as a human dressed as a wizard though in true form he would be viewed as a monster. Though anyone that can see magic power however could easily discern he is no mere man.[/b] [/hider] [/hider] [/quote] Aside from a few formatting issues, this looks fine. You might try moving the closing brackets, so the different sections are formatted correctly: [code] [b]Race:[/b] [b]Strengths and Weaknesses:[/b] [b]How a normal human would view this character:[/b][/code] The bold formatting isn't just cosmetic, it's intentionally distinctive, so I can more easily skim through different parts of the CS. I have to reference these things periodically, so it helps when I'm trying to find a specific piece of info about your character. As for the racial class for Dragonoid/dragonkin, I'm not sure if there is one in canon. But! You can just make one up. We are pretty far removed canon Overlord material at this point, so you have a lot of creative freedom to make what you want. It's also worth noting that you aren't required to take levels in your racial class either. Maybe the race just had higher base stats and that's all you needed for some build? Maybe your character just liked the look of it, so the race was chosen for purely cosmetic reasons? Make some minor changes, and the sheet is approved. [hr] Rules change: From now on, world-type job classes will be prohibited for future Yggdrasil characters. One is fine. Two is on the borderline, but I'm having a really hard time imagining any more than that would still be playing during the server shutdown. There's a few of other reasons for me doing this as well, but I don't feel like explaining in depth. #WordsAreHard