In truth, Sett had intended to stall as long as possible for being called out on not contributing his fair share to the village's well-being. More accurately, he'd have pretended to be going around blessing the place, maybe even handed out some actual blessings from time to time just so that the people had something going for them, but overall wind up simply spending as much time as he could walking around doing naught. Two things somewhat threw a wrench into this plan. First of all, Aeryn returned from wherever she'd vanished to - and she had his bag with her. Crafty, crafty, how had she gotten that? Oh hell, hang on, had she looked inside? Fineki be blessed if she hadn't. More importantly, she wasn't exactly as subtle as Sett liked to be, and he knew now that she was rather the thief. Perhaps she'd make a good convert of Fineki himself, in time. With little more than a raised eyebrow and a thankful smile to indicate his intrigue, Sett took the bag, glancing inside just long enough to confirm everything visible was present and correct before closing it up tight again. What came over as more shocking was being talked at from behind - legitimately so, since he hadn't expected to be tapped on the shoulder, leading him to gasp and jolt a little ways before spinning round to address the man who'd done so. That wasn't exactly a good demeanour for him to portray, though it could just as easily help him build up the image of being helpless, just needed to relax and laugh at the event before paying attention. The man seemed well-off, so maybe he could get something of worth off of him in the process- he was being asked to help Ursaren? The man's wife was in [i]labour?[/i] He was about to say he wasn't [i]that[/i] sort of priest, only to realise it was just prayer and blessing he was being asked for. Wasn't going around offering blessings basically what he was intending to do anyway? And childbirth could take a long, long time... 'Well, good sir, since I have my tools in hand,' he noted jovially, glancing down at his bag again, 'I'll see what I can do. If you feel inclined to assist Ursaren,' he continued, now addressing both the man who'd asked him and the Half-Elf who'd just handed him his bag, 'then by all means feel free.' And with that, he made his way to where the man in question directed him, ready to offer his blessings to and prayers for a woman in need. He had, hopefully, offered the party a fair bit of good luck, after all, and that included himself. [@POOHEAD189][@Gardevoiran][@The Fated Fallen][@Fetzen][@Stormflyx][@Mortarion]