[color=orchid][center][h1]Sophia Danvers[/h1] [h3]En route to Mesalon Gym[/h3][/center][/color] [@fer1323] [@Heckno12] Just as Sophia had expected, Oscar still refused to understand. [color=orchid]"Look, I know there are other families worth supporting, but... If you say that, you really should understand what family means!"[/color] she called, but it was no use. Oscar had hurried off without responding. [color=orchid]"And remember I'll want that back later on!"[/color] Sophia rushed after him, then stopped as he let out Daisho and Kushala. Huffing, she stayed back. Kushala didn't need this, and she wasn't going to make Daisho take on unnecessary stress. "Gothiii..." Lacey muttered, making a Pokeball float off of Sophia's belt and pop open. No sooner had the billowing black cloth Pokemon emerged than Sophia felt that frustration evaporate, leaving only a bittersweet feeling behind. No, a mix of feelings. Guilt. Concern. And surprisingly, [i]hope[/i] as she watched Oscar storm into the distance. She had a sudden urge to run up to him and wish him the best of luck. Instead, she stepped away from the Shuppet, shaking her head. [color=orchid]"Fantoccino. That's enough."[/color] The Shuppet tilted his head in confusion at her words, but she remained firm. [color=orchid]"I kind of have a reason to be annoyed."[/color] She glanced in the direction of the gym again. [color=orchid]"Some people just don't know what they're talking about."[/color] With that, she took the Pokeball and withdrew the Ghost type. Irritation simmered through her again, but the other emotions remained. [hider=Notes] [b]Pokemon Party:[/b] Gothita "Lacey" lv14, Purrloin "Grimalkin" lv13, Staryu "Arcturus" lv13, Darumaka "Lumas" lv11, Shuppet "Fantoccino" lv11, Bronzor "Clarus" lv11 [b]Pokemon in PC:[/b] [b]Inventory:[/b] Pokeball x1, TM33 (Reflect)[/hider] [hr] [color=bc8dbf][center][h1]Rachel[/h1] [h3]En route to Mesalon Gym[/h3][/center][/color] [@fer1323] [@Heckno12] [color=bc8dbf]"Ah! I was just about to suggest stocking up on supplies..."[/color] Rachel called, but Oscar had rushed out of sight. She turned to Sophia with a strained smile. As much as she wanted to help resolve the situation, all she knew about it was what she'd just heard. [color=bc8dbf]"Well, let's stock up anyway and then catch up,"[/color] she suggested, heading towards a berry shop as Sophia trudged behind. [color=bc8dbf]"Even the most basic berries can be helpful in battle."[/color] It was only a small way to help, but it would be something, at least. [hr] [color=chocolate][center][h1]Amber Pine[/h1] [h3]En route to Mesalon Gym[/h3][/center][/color] [@fer1323] [@Heckno12] [@AbysmalDemon] [@Dusksong] [@Noxx] The sight that greeted Amber as she stepped out was, surprise surprise, Oscar and Sophia mid argument. Of course, it would have been weird not to find them bickering, but this wasn't going to do Oscar's morale any good right before a gym battle, particularly not a clash bad enough for him to stomp off. She hurried after him, Vivianne's footsteps speeding up behind her. As Oscar sat down in an empty room of the monastery - the kind of peaceful place they both needed right now - Amber slowly approached. [color=chocolate]"Hey, Aeshna. Come on out."[/color] At the click of a Pokeball button, the peppy dragonfly appeared. Noticing the other trainer's expression, Aeshna darted over, flipping in circles and doing all kinds of wacky tricks to cheer him up. [color=chocolate]"Oscar... What is it?"[/color] she asked, taking a seat next to him. [color=chocolate]"If you want to talk about it, I'm here."[/color] [hider=Notes] [b]Pokemon Party:[/b] Kabuto "Chalcedony" lv11, Yanma "Aeshna" lv9, Rockruff "Kyra" lv13, Rowlet "Tacita" lv10, Anorith "Larimar" lv12, Sableye "Almandine" lv11 [b]Pokemon in PC:[/b] [b]Inventory:[/b] Pokeball x1, Potion x2, Dusk Ball x1[/hider]