Delilahs jaw dropped at the news. She had been in a coma for four weeks!? Four weeks? She stared at the closed curtains for a while before she came to a decision. One she knew she shouldn't do. Four weeks. Has anyone come to visit her? Has tried to find her? Delilah slowly brought her hand up and unzipped the heart monitor on her finger, making the steady beeping flatline. With a groan of pain, she flung the blankets off of her and pushed herself up on her elbows. Her face was scrunched up in pain, and she dough I down as best she could. Thank God they had her on some sort of pain medicines. She took a deep breath and groaned again as she moved one leg, then the other so that they were draped over the bed. Delilah took a moment, taking several deep breathes as she did, then pushed herself up so that she was sitting upright. At this point, she ripped the I.V. needle out of her arm and dropped it. With one more loud groan, she slid off the bed and onto her feet, which nearly gave out under her. It had been a month since she had used her legs, it was understandable they were weak. "Okay," she whispered to herself as she took a few deep breathes. "Okay." Using the bed to help support her weight, Delilah began to slowly man her way around it, heading for the door.