[quote=@Rin] Man, I [i]really[/i] want to do some magical girl stuff right now so the Sailor Moon one might be fun... Keep wanting to do a Power Rangers/Super Sentai RP too but those never seem to work out for me but hey, why not give it another go? So yeah, those two interest me the most right now I guess. [/quote] The comic series 'Go Go Power Rangers' is swapping the colors of the classic series characters and this will somehow tie in to the introduction of the Green Ranger power coin and the original evil Tommy Oliver. That inspired my renewed interest in the franchise. Shattered Grid was also ****ing insane! [img]http://oyster.ignimgs.com/wordpress/stg.ign.com/2018/08/Morphicon_GOGOPR_016_Main_PROMO-720x1210.jpg[/img] - Ω