[hider=Silas Pelletier][center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjgwLmY0YzJjMi5VMmxzWVhNZ1VHVnNiR1YwYVdWeS4w/romantisk-demo.regular.png[/img] [img]https://78.media.tumblr.com/3d77cee28eed4d394af0eeb68b111c49/tumblr_ncf621KaLt1r2igv7o6_r1_250.gif[/img] [color=f4c2c2][i][sup][abbr=“I is another.”]“Je est un autre.”[/abbr][/sup][/i][/color][/center] [b][color=f4c2c2]N I C K N A M E[/color][/b] [indent][quote]Si - A shortened version of his first name, pronounced [i]‘Sai’[/i]. It’s pretty self-explanatory.[/quote][/indent] [b][color=f4c2c2]A G E[/color][/b] [indent][quote]18[/quote][/indent] [b][color=f4c2c2]G E N D E R[/color][/b] [indent][quote]Male[/quote][/indent] [b][color=f4c2c2]S E X U A L I T Y[/color][/b] [indent][quote]Homosexual[/quote][/indent] [b][color=f4c2c2]R E L A T I O N S H I P S T A T U S[/color][/b] [indent][quote]Single[/quote][/indent] [b][color=f4c2c2]A P P E A R A N C E[/color][/b] [indent][quote]For the majority of his childhood and adolescence, Silas had been a short, pudgy kid with an incurable sweet tooth. But you take a look at him now, you’d be hard pressed to believe that they were the same person. Still, Silas isn’t the tallest guy you’ll meet, standing about 5’7” at full height. He does, however, have a thin, waifish build that gives him the illusion of being taller than he actually. His hair is a darker shade of brown, and often left in its natural state — that is, a curly, tangled mess. His eyes are very much the same color, rimmed with dark circles that have seemingly become permanent. Much like a vampire, he shuns sunlight, and it’s possible that he’s just a touch too pale. His originally tawny complexion has a slight pallor to it that could be construed as unhealthy. Most of the time, Silas can be found with a cigarette between his lips, features set in what can only be called a [i]Resting Bitch Face™[/i]. He’s not [i]trying[/i] to look like he hates everyone – not intentionally, anyway – but it’s something he’s gotten a lot of flack for from his teachers. Coupled with his penchant for speaking in a tuneless, crackly monotone, Silas has earned a rather unfortunate reputation amongst acquaintances for being unapproachable. When he [i]does[/i] smile, it’s almost as if he’s a different person. His voice rises a full octave; straight, white teeth bared in a lopsided grin, the corners of dark brown eyes crinkling with ill-hidden mirth. A lot of the clothing he owns comes from thrift stores, so there’s a lot of old sweaters, flannels, band tees, and worn-out jeans that have faded well over a decade ago. The same goes for his shoes; they’re mainly high-top sneakers, and a single pair of Docs for when he needs something sturdier. Some have pointed out that Silas always smells vaguely of smoke, coffee, and citrus-infused cologne. He also wears a lot of jewelry for a guy; string and leather bracelets, the Star of David on a pendant around his neck, and an assortment of rings on his fingers. His earlobes are pierced too, usually adorned with tiny steel hoops.[/quote][/indent] [b][color=f4c2c2]H A B I T S[/color][/b] [indent][quote][list][*]Silas always seems to be doing something with his hands. Most of the time, you’ll find him playing with his hair, tugging at a loose thread at the hem of his shirt, or even just twiddling his thumbs. These small, repetitive movements are a way for him to expend some of that energy he’s always so full of. [*]Smoking. This one’s a no brainer. It keeps him from getting too jittery, and while he’s been making an effort to cut down, it isn’t going very well. [*]In conversations, Silas uses “like” and “um” a lot. English isn’t his first language, so it can sometimes take a while for him to come up with the right words.[/list][/quote][/indent] [b][color=f4c2c2]H O B B I E S[/color][/b] [indent][quote][list][*]Painting. His father was an artist, and his work had a big influence on him. [*]Music. He’s able to play both the piano and viola, though he prefers the former. [*]Watching movies. Sure, it might be a little pretentious, but he thinks himself quite the cinephile.[/list][/quote][/indent] [b][color=f4c2c2]L I K E S[/color][/b] [indent][quote][color=39ff14]✔[/color] Cigarettes [color=39ff14]✔[/color] Weed [color=39ff14]✔[/color] Joy Division [color=39ff14]✔[/color] Piercings [color=39ff14]✔[/color] Galleries [color=39ff14]✔[/color] Dark chocolate [color=39ff14]✔[/color] Romance novels[/quote][/indent] [b][color=f4c2c2]D I S L I K E S[/color][/b] [indent][quote][color=red]✘[/color] Crowds [color=red]✘[/color] Drama [color=red]✘[/color] Thunder [color=red]✘[/color] Getting up early [color=red]✘[/color] Cheesecake [color=f4c2c2][sub][i]“Who thought it was a good idea to put cheese in a dessert?”[/i][/sub][/color] [color=red]✘[/color] Vodka [color=red]✘[/color] Being talked down to[/quote][/indent] [b][color=f4c2c2]S E C R E T S[/color][/b] [indent][quote][list][*]Silas blames himself for his parents’ separation. Sometimes, he thinks that his mother blames him, too. [*]His problem with self-harm first began when he was thirteen, after the stress of school became too much to bear. Most of it culminates in cuts on his upper arms and torso, though he has recently started burning himself with cigarette stubs as well.[/list][/quote][/indent] [b][color=f4c2c2]F E A R S[/color][/b] [indent][quote][list][*]Large dogs, courtesy of an incident during his childhood. [*]Never amounting to anything. [*]Losing his mother.[/list][/quote][/indent] [b][color=f4c2c2]P E R S O N A L I T Y[/color][/b] [indent][quote][center][color=f4c2c2]♦[/color] Independent [color=f4c2c2]♦[/color] Perceptive [color=f4c2c2]♦[/color] Capricious [color=f4c2c2]♦[/color] Insensitive [color=f4c2c2]♦[/color][/center] Silas has the temperament of a genius — apathetic at best, and utterly insufferable when he wants to be. He’s never uncomfortable; in fact, his boldness often borders on brash and crosses into downright crude, thanks to his lack of a filter. If it’s on his mind, it’s out of his mouth. As far as he’s concerned, if you’re going to be a dick, at least be funny about it. Still, he’s an expert at charm whenever he needs to be. Nothing a smirk and a few pretty words can’t clear up, right? While he isn’t exactly quick to anger, he does have a temper when he’s pushed to his limits. If there’s one thing he can’t stand, it’s being talked down to. That said, you’ll find that he’s impulsive as the day is long and doesn’t often think twice about consequences. Silas thrives off adventure and change, and people who like things to stay in a certain order and live by routine bore him. He’s not one to turn down a few drinks, a good party, or say no to a date with an attractive stranger. You see, he firmly believes that you only have one life and you’ve got to live it, otherwise what’s the point? There’s no such thing as mistakes in his mind, only learning curves and stories you can one day share with your grandkids. Silas often states that no one should take life too seriously because in the end, everyone ends up in the same place In many ways, Silas can be unpredictable, adamant, and of course, he absolutely [i]hates[/i] making commitments, especially those he isn’t sure he can keep. But when he truly takes interest in something or someone, he puts all of himself into it, and momentarily forgets about everything else. But for all his tactlessness, he really does mean well. When he asks a question, he really does want to know the answer; and when he loves, he loves pretty ferociously. For those Silas would truly call ‘friend’, he’s never met a boundary he wouldn’t cross, and he’ll go to the ends of the Earth for you if he thinks you’re worth it.[/quote][/indent] [b][color=f4c2c2]H O M E T O W N[/color][/b] [indent][quote]Marseille, France[/quote][/indent] [b][color=f4c2c2]B A C K G R O U N D[/color][/b] [indent][quote]Born in Marseille, a port city on the coast of Bouches-du-Rhône, Silas Pelletier’s early childhood was reminiscent of a fairytale. His father was a painter, one of many plying their trade on the streets of Paris. His mother, on the other hand, was a historian specialising in 18th century literature. Originally from Cairo, she first came to France as an advisor to a local university. It was there, in the city of love, where she first met her future husband. After a whirlwind romance that neither of them really expected, they moved in together; first in an apartment near Montmartre, then a little two-storey house in Marseille that overlooked the sea. One of Silas’ earliest memory was of watching his father paint. He found himself enthralled by the way his brush moved across the canvas, how red and yellow would melt into the golden tableau of the sky at dusk, or how a sprinkle of white could turn the darkest night into a galaxy of twinkling stars. Soon, he started learning, too. Finger painting, at first – as most children do – then they moved on to pencil drawings and watercolor. Silas’ mother was a more distant figure, though she loved him all the same. She would often sit him on her lap and tell him stories about people from the past once she was finished with her work. Up until that point, Silas’ existence was an idyllic one, but soon, cracks began to appear. Growing up, he always thought of his father as the best artist in the world, a sentiment the man would chuckle at whenever he pointed it out to him. The people who actually mattered, however, seemed to hold a different opinion. His father started having trouble finding buyers for his work. No one truly liked what he had to offer. It wasn’t original. It wasn’t spectacular. It wasn’t [i]good[/i]. After a while, the countless rejections and critiques seemed to break something within him, and Silas only watch as his father became a shell of his former self. Slowly but surely, his parents grew apart. At first, this was because his mother worked too much; she had to, of course, as the sole breadwinner of her family. Then, his father started to come home drunk, usually with mysterious bruises and lipstick stains peppering his neck. Silas would often be woken up in the middle of the night by their arguments — arguments he would try to block out by hiding under his bed covers. As their relationship worsened, Silas’ frustration grew. There were too many things about him that could be picked on for his liking, and so he grew louder, more boisterous, always the first to make a snide comment. Soon, a suggestion to send him to boarding school came up, though it would never have the chance to come to fruition. On the eve of his ninth birthday, Silas’ mother filed for a divorce. After a tedious legal process, the separation was eventually finalized, with full custody going to her. The mother-son pair moved back to Paris for another year or so, though they eventually found their way to New York after she was offered a teaching position at Columbia University. To say that Silas found his new life difficult to adjust to would be an understatement. What English he did speak was stilted at best, and he often found himself the target of bullying. One particularly vicious boy had even cracked his head against the sink, leaving a scar beneath his hairline that’s still visible today. The school music room ended up being one of the only places where he could hide from his tormentors, and the teacher even let him sit in during band practice. Silas soon picked up a few instruments of his own — namely the viola and piano. Luckily for Silas, it seemed that the novelty of picking on the new kid would soon wear off, likely due to the numerous complaints his mother lodged with the school board. For Silas, the beginning of high school was a something of a milestone, an opportunity to finally rid himself of his status as an outsider. By that point, it was easy enough to find a circle of like-minded people he could surround himself with. Neither too high nor low in the school hierarchy, he flew comfortably under the radar for the next few years. After graduation, Silas finds himself faced with another dilemma. His mother wants him to go to college, earn a degree, and make something useful out of himself. The thing is, what he really wants to do is paint, just like his father did. Creative and free-spirited, he never did fare well in structured school settings. It’s something that he has kept from his mother, because he knows she would be opposed to it. Silas has no doubt in his mind that if she ever found out, she would recite an age-old saying about how artists are only ever truly appreciated after they die.[/quote][/indent] [b][color=f4c2c2]M I S C E L L A N E O U S[/color][/b] [indent][quote]FC: Xavier Dolan Color: #F4C2C2[/quote][/indent][/hider] [hider=Silas’ Relationships][center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjgwLmY0YzJjMi5VMmxzWVhNZ1VHVnNiR1YwYVdWeS4w/romantisk-demo.regular.png[/img] [img]https://78.media.tumblr.com/3474ae687fd9f56d090fef4dd837822d/tumblr_ou809xGPHN1qcekewo2_400.gif[/img] [color=F4C2C2][sup][i][abbr=“Listen, you have to tell it how it is, right?”]“Écoute, il faut appeler un chat un chat, oui?”[/abbr][/i][/sup][/color] [color=#c23023]⚜[/color] Acquaintances || [color=#000000]☯[/color] Neutral || [color=#008800]☮[/color] Friends || [color=#0055ff]♫[/color] Best Friends || [color=#800800]♥[/color] Love Interest || [color=#ff6363]⚤[/color] Boyfriend/Girlfriend || [color=#000000]☠[/color] Enemies[/center][hr] {[color=#008800]☮[/color]} [color=#ded16a][b]K ɪ ᴍ ʙ ᴇ ʀ ʟ ʏ . C ʜ ᴏ[/b][/color] {[color=#008800]☮[/color]} [i]‘Okay, be honest. Would you hang this on your wall?’[/i] Being forthright tends to put you in Silas’ good books, and Kimberly is exactly that. She’s the one Silas goes to when he finds himself in need of some solid, no-frills advice, even if it gets his ego crushed in the process. After all, it’s hard to lie and manipulate when you’re as candid as she is. While they aren’t exactly [i]best friends[/i], they do still get along rather well, largely owing to what they have in common. Both of them had spent a good part of their childhood years outside America, only moving to New York after each of their parents got divorced. In many ways, Silas thinks of Kim as a kindred spirit, someone he can relate to. {[color=#008800]☮[/color][color=#800800]♥[/color]} [color=#A24C2C][b]B ʀ ᴀ ᴅ ʟ ᴇ ʏ . C ᴏ ᴘ ᴘ ᴇ ʀ ʙ ᴜ ʀ ɴ[/b][/color] {[color=#800800]♥[/color][color=#008800]☮[/color]} [i]‘Get your head out of the clouds, Copperburn.’[/i] Silas might talk a lot of shit about Bradley, but it’s all in the name of good fun, he really does consider Bradley a good friend. His boldness and straightforward way of dealing with things is something Silas can appreciate. On a regular day, their interactions range from playful jabs to harmless flirting. Well, at least he [i]thinks[/i] it’s harmless. It’s almost like a game to them, seeing who will be the first to get embarrassed and chicken out. Lately, however, there has been a something strange in the air, though Silas has managed to convince himself otherwise. After all, there’s absolutely no way in hell that he has an actual, honest-to-goodness crush on Bradley, right? {[color=#008800]☮[/color]} [color=#7ea7d8][b]S ᴜ ɴ s ʜ ɪ ɴ ᴇ . H ᴏ ʟ ʟ ɪ ɴ ɢ s ᴡ ᴏ ʀ ᴛ ʜ[/b][/color] {[color=#008800]☮[/color]} [i]'Character thoughts about relation.'[/i] Brief description on relation here. {Symbol} [color=#00a651][b]S ᴀ ᴍ ᴜ ᴇ ʟ . C ᴏ s ᴛ ɪ ɢ ᴀ ɴ[/b][/color] {Symbol} [i]'Character thoughts about relation.'[/i] Brief description on relation here. {[color=#000000]☯[/color]} [color=#adff9f][b]M ᴏ ʟ ʟ ʏ . H ᴀ ʀ ᴛ ᴇ ʟ ʟ[/b][/color] {[color=#000000]☯[/color]} [i]'Character thoughts about relation.'[/i] Brief description on relation here. {[color=#000000]☠[/color]} [color=#FFF200][b]K ᴀ ᴛ ɪ ᴇ . P ʀ ᴜ ᴇ ᴛ ᴛ[/b][/color] {[color=#000000]☠[/color]} [i]'Character thoughts about relation.'[/i] Brief description on relation here. {[color=#000000]☯[/color]} [color=#920092][b]M ᴀ ᴄ ᴋ ᴇ ɴ ᴢ ɪ ᴇ . P ʀ ᴜ ᴇ ᴛ ᴛ[/b][/color] {[color=#000000]☯[/color]} [i]'Character thoughts about relation.'[/i] Brief description on relation here. {[color=#0055ff]♫[/color]} [color=#B30A69][b]S ᴛ ᴇ ᴘ ʜ ᴀ ɴ ɪ ᴇ . C ʀ ᴏ s s[/b][/color] {[color=#0055ff]♫[/color]} [i]‘Smoke break?’[/i] It’s no secret that Spice can kind of be a firecracker sometimes. That’s the nice way of putting it, anyway. Others less concerned with what she thought of them would call her loud, arrogant — a [i]bitch[/i], in short. One would be forgiven for assuming that the two could never get along, much less become friends, but somehow, they’ve actually grown quite close. It all started when they met each at a house party. After taking one too many edibles – hey, it was his first time, [i]don’t judge[/i] – Silas had started pouring his heart out to Spice. Really, it was only because she’d been there at the right time and place, but Spice turned out to be a surprisingly great listener. Since then, Silas has thought of Spice as someone to look up to, and maybe even bum a cigarette off of every now and then. {Symbol} [color=#F58769][b]V ɪ ᴏ ʟ ᴇ ᴛ . K ᴀ ɴ ɢ[/b][/color] {Symbol} [i]'Character thoughts about relation.'[/i] Brief description on relation here. {[color=#008800]☮[/color]} [color=#FFB374][b]B ʟ ᴀ ᴋ ᴇ . M ɪ ɴ[/b][/color] {[color=#008800]☮[/color]} [i]'Character thoughts about relation.'[/i] Brief description on relation here. {[color=#c23023]⚜[/color]} [color=#E56A03][b]A ᴅ ᴅ ɪ s ᴏ ɴ . M ɪ ɴ[/b][/color] {[color=#c23023]⚜[/color]} [i]'Character thoughts about relation.'[/i] Brief description on relation here. {[color=#000000]☯[/color]} [color=#F7976A][b]J ᴇ ᴍ ɪ ᴍ ᴀ . F ᴀ ʀ ᴀ ᴅ ᴀ ʏ[/b][/color] {[color=#000000]☯[/color]} [i]‘She’s nice, I guess.’[/i] There really isn’t a lot Silas can say about Jemima, apart from how she seems like a pleasant enough person to be around. Most of their interactions have been limited to the classroom, though he does remember sharing a table at a café with her one time, after it got a little too crowded on a rainy day. With his coffee in one hand, and a slice of cake in the other, Silas had desperately needed someplace to sit. That was when he saw Jem waving him over, inviting him to join her. They made some small talk over their coffee, but never really made it past that point. {[color=#008800]☮[/color]} [color=7EA7D8][b]R ɪ ᴄ ʜ ɪ ᴇ . M ᴄ M ɪ ʟ ʟ ᴀ ɴ[/b][/color] {[color=#008800]☮[/color]} [i]‘Not until I’ve had my coffee, please.’[/i] Even for Silas, someone like Richie can get to be a little exhausting. Most days, the guy seems to be a endless ball of energy, leaping from task to task with all the exuberance of a puppy. It’s easy to assume that due to their personalities, they don’t get along, but in a strange kind of way, Silas actually finds him quite endearing. He likes the fact that Richie is able to look at everything in life through a lens of humour. It’s also worth mentioning that Silas can never quite bring himself to say no to Richie; whether it be a trip to the top of the Empire State in search of the perfect photo, or just a chill hang at the comic store, he somehow always finds himself tagging along. {[color=#000000]☯[/color]} [color=FFF79A][b]G ᴜ ᴀ ᴅ ᴇ ʟ ᴜ ᴘ ᴇ . I ɢ ʟ ᴇ s ɪ ᴀ s[/b][/color] {[color=#000000]☯[/color]} [i]'Character thoughts about relation.'[/i] Brief description on relation here. {[color=#c23023]⚜[/color]} [color=silver][b]D ᴇ s ʜ ᴀ ᴡ ɴ . M ᴀ ʀ ᴄ ᴜ s[/b][/color] {[color=#c23023]⚜[/color]} [i]'Character thoughts about relation.'[/i] Brief description on relation here. {Symbol} [color=0076A3][b]S ᴏ ɴ ɴ ʏ . E s ᴘ ᴏ s ɪ ᴛ ᴏ[/b][/color] {Symbol} [i]'Character thoughts about relation.'[/i] Brief description on relation here. {Symbol} [color=FF4040][b]M ɪ s s ʏ . D ᴇ s ᴄ ʜ ᴀ ɪ ɴ[/b][/color] {Symbol} [i]'Character thoughts about relation.'[/i] Brief description on relation here. {[color=#0055ff]♫[/color]} [color=Coral][b]T ᴀ ᴇ . H ᴏ ʟ ʟ ɪ ɴ ɢ s ᴡ ᴏ ʀ ᴛ ʜ[/b][/color] {[color=#0055ff]♫[/color]} [i][abbr=‘So, what happened?’]‘Du coup, qu’est-ce qui s’est passé?’[/abbr][/i] No one expects much from Silas, which may be why he and Tae get on so well. Tae is one of the few people he can truly relax around and even confide in. While he doesn’t quite spill every last secret he has to Tae, it’s nice to have someone who’s there with a listening ear. Their friendship is a simple one, built on a solid foundation of trust and respect for each other’s boundaries. Silas does his best to be there for Tae as much as he is for him — [i]without[/i] being too pushy about it, anyway. Whatever Tae is willing to give, Silas is willing to listen. It’s no surprise that with the qualities they share, the two would grow to become thick as thieves. Of course, Tae being able to speak French just makes him like the guy even more. {[color=#c23023]⚜[/color]} [color=#df1167][b]B ᴇ ʟ ɪ ɴ ᴅ ᴀ . S ᴄ ᴏ ᴛ ᴛ[/b][/color] {[color=#c23023]⚜[/color]} [i]‘She’s that rocker chick, right?’[/i] The two are, at best, on speaking terms. Don’t get him wrong – Silas knows that she’s a talented musician, and he digs her style – they just haven’t had many chances to interact. Still, he can’t deny that there’s something irresistibly charming about Bill and her devil-may-care attitude. Given the chance, Silas would definitely like to get to know her better, maybe even make a friend. It’s not everyday you see someone who looks like they just stepped out of a rock’n’roll poster from the eighties, after all.[/hider]