[@ERode]: Hm... I really don't think that idea works, to be quite frank. We already have two Vlads that exist in canon, and it's not like Servants really [i]change[/i] that much when being summoned in other locations or are shaped by opinion thereof; what's recorded on the Throne isn't so easily molded like that. To elaborate: Extra Vlad showcases what happens when we focus on the "Vlad III" aspect, while Apo Vlad focuses more on the "Dracula" aspect (however ironic that may be), and if this version of Vlad was to exist, then we're really getting... Well, neither, to be honest. The two Vlads are not only starkly different in bearing, but also basically encompass everything you'd expect in the package: a regal protector of the land on one hand and the batshit crazy stabman that made him really famous. Besides, they're also both Lancer, which is pretty telling when deciding which aspect to really commit to. Placing aside the fact that the proposed skillset is a bit odd, I don't think that's a version of Vlad that could be given the go-ahead here.