[h3][color=0076a3][center]~~A cold new world~~[/center][/color][/h3] [i]Rumble[/i] Well, this was quite the predicament. [i]Crash crack ksssh[/i] Now how was she to solve this conundrum? [color=teal]"You know, when I signed up to play this game, I didn't think I'd end up freezing my tentacles off in an avalanche."[/color] The mass of snow rumbled, barreling down the mountain as a certain abomination was carried along with it barely able to keep in front of it after she had landed in some freezing place. Hm. Maybe she should have put more skill into levitation? Eh, she was fine. [color=teal]"Ahhh, I just wanted to enjoy the end of the world quietly. Why do I always get into these situations."[/color] Bolting down the mountain, her levitation skill keeping her just above the ground as she barely stayed ahead of the avalanche. Where even was she? She definitely wasn't in the Under Sea where she liked to stay in Yggdrasil. She had somehow been teleported above ground! High above! High enough to need flying lessons! And an avalanche! Was someone trying to kill her!? What'd she ever do to anyone? Aside from the occasional PKs and eating people, she didn't hurt a fly! She had logged into Yggdrasil to say goodbye. To the sea. To the people. To the game. She would've missed it all, and she had already came to terms with the fact she was never going to see anything here ever again. She had resigned herself to having it fade quietly into the nothing, yet...Just a flash of light, and she was barreling down the mountain at speeds that'd make a sports car jealous. She was still in the game right? Then why did it feel so real? [color=teal]"That's a tree."[/color] Swerving to the side, Iva barely managed to miss ramming face first into the large object. Not that it'd matter, the tree completely was engulfed by the raging avalanche, engulfing it entirely. Unfortunately, she failed to register the presence of the rock right in front of her. [color=teal]"Annnd that was a rock."[/color] The impact sent her swerving off course, shifting her balance and causing her to slam into the ground and promptly proceed to roll down the mountain side like a snowball. [color=teal]"Oh well."[/color] She silently mused. [color=teal]"I guess this is my life now. Ah, how I love being on the receiving end of death."[/color] She supposed she [i]could[/i] put a little effort into getting out of this situation, but why would she when she was going to probably be fine regardless. She hated wasting effort on something anyways. A waste of time and energy. Just as the avalanche was about to fully engulf her, she felt the ground roll out from under her as she barreled over a cliff, right into a pool of freezing water. She hit the water with force, sending water splashing in all directions as the remnants of the avalanche finally settled around the large pond. Ah, she was glad she could breathe underwater. Iva floated beneath the surface of the pond lazily, collecting her thoughts, seemingly unfazed by the previous events. [color=teal][i]"If I think about it logically, this is far too weird. Illogical."[/i][/color] She mused silently. To anyone that might have been looking she had already floated to the surface. Her seaweed like hair and jellyfish like head pieces were floating listlessly on top of the cold pond. [color=teal][i]"Did Yggdrasil have sensory effects as accurate as this?"[/i][/color] The freezing water on her skin. Feeling [i]every[/i] part of her body? She moved her tail, feeling every muscle, every part of it as it moved through the water. Aaah, maybe she should just sleep here. She was quite comfy after all. The cold was quite welcoming and she didn't feel inclined to move about. ... Swimming over to the edge of the pond, she pulled herself out of the water, sitting at the edge and keeping her legs in the water as she held her 'hands' in front of her. Bulbous growths, bound in flexible yellow string with grotesque blue fingers for teeth. Instinctively, she opened one of the mouths revealing the flexible tongue within. [color=teal]"...well that's just weird to see in reality."[/color] She commented, retracting the tongue. Yet, she didn't feel odd or perturbed at her predicament at all. If anything, she felt [i]great[/i]. Far better than she had ever before. This couldn't just be a game any more, could it? She bought her hand to her face, running her tongue over her pale blue skin. She felt herself grin. Rows upon rows of sharp teeth as her head was almost split in half, forming a macabre visage. She didn't know how, why or but she couldn't possibly be in the game anymore. Not with this level of tactile feedback and expressiveness. The cold, the water, the snow... Returning to a more neutral expression, Iva tapped on one of her earrings. Right, couldn't be too careful. If there was someone around here she couldn't let herself be seen or she might cause some trouble. The earrings of Hotepa could help with that, even if only slightly. It wasn't shapeshifting more than it was imposing a different 'reality' upon a place. A well crafted illusion that the world accepted to be real in favor of something else. It wasn't perfect, and times it might falter and anyone with sufficiently high perception or detection skills wouldn't be fooled, but she was confident. Looking down at her hands, she could see the transformation had been complete. Flexing her fingers, she twirled on the spot, the cold ground feeling mildly uncomfortable on her bare feet as the 'dress' she was wearing settled. How much of her powers persisted? Levitation was a go. What about...? Suddenly several invisible 'hands' manifest from her back. They worked too, then! Ah how wonderful. Concentrating once more, she condensed the psychic energy into a single sharp blade in one of the hands, slashing downwards as the impossibly sharp mass of psychic energy cut right through a nearby rock. Huhu. Seemed everything was working just fine, then. Now, was there anything around her? Concentrating and expanding her minds influence, she began to feel for any sentient life around her. Sensing nothing but animals, she smiled softly. Good. Also bad. ...where was she supposed to be going now? [color=teal]"Oh wonderful. Dropped into some weird world without any shoes and no direction towards civilization. Could've at least given me some food...I'll starve at this rate..."[/color] She complained lightly. At least she didn't have to walk. Levitating herself off the ground, she began moving through the forest, choosing a random direction to move in while searching for anything resembling sentient life.